2011年4月27日 星期三

2012: The Bulb Apocalypse Comet

2012: The Bulb Apocalypse Cometh
Some people are convinced that the world will be ending in 2012. I am not one of those people.it may become necessary for Cree to look at led bulb purchasing additional LED lighting fixture firs in order to increase their market penetration in this area.Because dimmable lights and dimmer fluorescent bulbs switches are so popular amongst American consumers, this drawback has been a significant one. Could the world come to a violent end? I guess it is possible. For me, however, the domestic consequences of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 are much more interesting. That piece of legislation, in the U.S.A., bans incandescent light bulbs. The ban takes effect in 2012 for the 100-watt incandescents. By 2014, all incandescent bulbs down to 40-watts will also be blacklisted.

So, what will be the ramifications of this as the time draws closer? Let us look to the European Union for precedent. The E.U. has already implemented a similar ban. What was the result? A panic of light bulb buying and significant hoarding occurred.It was quick and light when I used dsttマジコン on a Windows 7 laptop, and gave me no trouble throughout a day of rigorous testing. I think the same thing will happen in America. Why? For these five main reasons:

1. A lot of Americans just hate change. They like to keep doing things the ways they've always been done. They are used to incandescent bulbs and will want to stick with them. For these, change is not an option.

2. A lot of people simply like incandescent light better than the light provided by either Light-Emitting Diode (LED) or Compact Fluroescent Lamp (CFL) bulbs. Artists and others with a critical eye sometimes claim that CFL light looks unnatural. Some even say that CFL light makes an otherwise normal view austere.

3. The Tea Party movement has burst onto the scene. The "Tea Partiers" don't like government telling them what to do. They may buy bulbs just because they won't be able to after 2012.

4. Many folks fear the possible negative health effects of the CFL bulbs. The compact fluorescent bulbs have mercury in them. Between 1 and 5 milligrams of toxic mercury vapor are contained in each one. Concerned parents who fear what may happen if they break, as well as other health-conscious individuals, may shun the newer bulbs in favor of the old incandescent ones.

5. Some epileptics claim that CFLs trigger seizures. Other people claim that they induce migraines. The medical experts in the E.U. have publicly stated that the scientific evidence does not validate these claims. Regardless, people afflicted with these conditions, as well as others with certain skin conditions, will not readily switch away from incandescent bulbs.

What will people in these five categories do? Panic buy and hoard the old incandescent bulbs prior to the ban going into effect. It has already happened in many of the countries within the European Union in response to their ban. As the sources of banned bulbs disappear, the hard-core hoarders will seek to extend the life of their bulbs. No, there won't be riots or looting because of light bulbs (at least I sure hope not). But, there will be a fair number of people who refuse to use anything other than incandescent bulbs.
As the supply dwindles and evaporates,In the case of Cree a significant led light bulbs amount of their LED sales come from the purchase of Cotco whose primary focus was on moving message panels used in displays/electronic bill boards.  people will seek to stretch the lives of their now-rare bulbs. They will hoard, and a budding entrepreneur may be able to take advantage of the new market. Bulb-life extenders may find a market again. Some have already been created. Bulb-Miser, Inc. sold one such device that was initially developed for use by NASA for the Saturn launch vehicle during the Apollo missions.

That company has been out of business for many years. But, other options are available. Ace Hardware carries a device. Using higher-voltage lights can serve to extend the life of a bulb.

Who knows,Light up the architecturally table lamps interesting parts of your home. by 2012, there may even be a new bulb invented that functions better than the solid-state LEDs or CFLs, but without any safety concerns.

Either way, the 2012 Bulb Apocalypse will be an interesting trend to follow...if we're still here, that is.

