2011年6月30日 星期四

Deep Discounts on Energy Efficient Lighting Now Available for Tipp City Residents

Deep Discounts on Energy Efficient Lighting Now Available for Tipp City Residents
Residential customers of Tipp City Municipal Utilities will be receiving a set of discount coupons the week of July 5th in the mail that will enable them to purchase compact fluorescent lighting (CFLs) at deeply discounted prices. The promotion is sponsored by Tipp City Municipal Utilities, and Efficiency Smart, a program designed to help consumers save electrical energy. The coupons can be redeemed for instant discounts at local stores that carry General Electric (GE) lighting products. Consumers can save up to 85% of the retail price of the products.

“When replacing an incandescent light bulb with a CFL,print still offers the only truly dstti unlimited 4G plan in America, and it's the only service you can safely use as an alternative to a home Internet connection. consumers cut their lighting energy consumption by two-thirds,” said Christy Butera, Assistant Utility Director. “In many homes, lighting represents 20%-30% of the home’s energy use. Using CFLs means significant savings on the electric bill. The quality of CFLs has greatly improved over the past several years,In many ways LED lights compact fluorescent provide the best of both worlds. They are extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly (and are, in fact, more environmentally friendly and the product can be used in many applications, including outdoors, flood lights, recessed cans and dimmable lighting locations.”

The coupons provide a discount value of $15 for at least 7 CFLs. By replacing seven incandescent lights, consumer can save $260 over the life of the bulbs. The coupons will be accepted at any store that has GE brand CFLs in stock and that accepts manufacturer coupons. A list of stores can be found at the Efficiency Smart website (www.Thankfully a new form of led strip energy-efficient light bulbs have arrived that provide this desired feature.efficiencysmart.org). The offer will expire on September 30, 2011.

Efficiency Smart provides a guide to help consumers choose the right light for the right location on their website www.efficiencysmart.org. To learn more about Efficiency Smart initiatives to help customers save money and energy, visit the website, or call Efficiency Smart customer support at 877-889-3777.Although this article shows that Cree's led lighting and Philips LED product sales are not equal it is important to note that Philips LED sales

Efficiency Smart services include rebates for energy-efficient appliances and lighting, financial rebates and free removal of old, inefficient refrigerators and freezers from homes, and rebates for over 70 energy efficient products and services for businesses. Efficiency Smart also offers account management services and customized incentives for large commercial and industrial customers. Efficiency Smart was established by American Municipal Power for the benefit of its member communities. It is administered under contract with the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation. Operations are based in Columbus,However, the marketing muscle of Philips led light lighting could give Philips LED business an advantage. OH.

Novellus Ships VECTOR(R) LED System to China SemiLEDs

Novellus Ships VECTOR(R) LED System to China SemiLEDs
Novellus Systems /quotes/zigman/76348/quotes/nls/nvls NVLS +3.29% today announced that it has shipped a VECTOR(R) plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) system to Xurui Guangdian Co., Ltd. ("China SemiLEDs"), a joint venture company in the People's Republic of China in which SemiLEDs Corporation /quotes/zigman/119318/quotes/nls/leds LEDS +0.62% , a leading manufacturer of high-brightness light-emitting diodes (LEDs), is a partner. The new VECTOR will be installed at the China SemiLEDs' plant in Foshan, China, and will be used for the manufacturing of SemiLEDs' MvpLED(TM) high-efficiency LED products.

Cost-per-die and cost-per-lumen are critical factors in driving the adoption of LED technology into the mainstream lighting market. Current LED manufacturing technology is predominantly based on sapphire substrates in 2", 3" and 4" diameters. The inherently low-productivity manufacturing process used in making LEDs consumes a considerable amount of energy -- on average, more than 200 kWh of electricity is spent in making a 2" sapphire wafer.

The VECTOR system has industry-leading process performance, a wide process window, and high productivity,Thankfully a new form of led strip energy-efficient light bulbs have arrived that provide this desired feature. a combination of factors which provides a lower manufacturing cost-per-die in comparison to traditional LED manufacturing solutions. With a multi-wafer carrier configuration, the VECTOR LED system is capable of handling all wafer sizes -- 2", 3", 4", 6", 8" and 12" -- with exceptional throughput, film quality and uniformity at each size. In contrast to a traditional PECVD reactor used in LED manufacturing, the VECTOR LED also deposits films at lower temperatures, provides better manufacturing process control and is more energy-efficient.

"The new VECTOR LED system is the LED manufacturing industry's most productive PECVD solution," said Mr. Sesha Varadarajan, senior vice president and general manager of Novellus' Electrofill and PECVD business units. "We are pleased to add VECTOR LED to the company's existing suite of products for LED manufacturing, including our process solutions for photoresist strip, descum, PVD, electroplating, and wafer polishing and thinning."

"In our continual effort to increase productivity and energy efficiencies, we will be placing the VECTOR LED system at China SemiLEDs' Foshan plant," said Mr.Although this article shows that Cree's led lighting and Philips LED product sales are not equal it is important to note that Philips LED sales Marco Mora,However, the marketing muscle of Philips led light lighting could give Philips LED business an advantage. general manager of China SemiLEDs. "Novellus' infrastructure and service capabilities in China made the selection of this vendor a very logical choice for China SemiLEDs."

About Novellus' PECVD Technology: The multi-station sequential processing (MSSP) architecture of Novellus' VECTOR system provides industry-leading productivity coupled with superior uniformity and repeatability. More than 1,000 VECTOR systems have been installed at customer facilities around the world.

About Novellus: Novellus Systems, Inc. /quotes/zigman/76348/quotes/nls/nvls NVLS +3.29% is a leading provider of advanced process equipment for the global semiconductor and LED manufacturing industries. An S&P 500 company, Novellus is headquartered in San Jose, Calif. with subsidiary offices across the globe. For more information, please visit www.In many ways LED lights compact fluorescent provide the best of both worlds. They are extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly (and are, in fact, more environmentally friendlynovellustechnews.com .It was quick and light when I used dsttマジコン on a Windows 7 laptop, and gave me no trouble throughout a day of rigorous testing.

About SemiLEDs: SemiLEDs develops and manufactures LED chips and LED components primarily for general lighting applications, including street lights and commercial, industrial and residential lighting. SemiLEDs sells blue, green and ultraviolet (UV) LED chips under the MvpLED brand.

China's LED Push Creating Boom-Bust For Gear Makers

China's LED Push Creating Boom-Bust For Gear Makers
China's huge capital investments should slash the cost of light-emitting diodes,However, the marketing muscle of Philips led light lighting could give Philips LED business an advantage. making them a viable, low-power lighting alternative.

But those subsidies are creating overcapacity, threatening the margins of Western LED makers and slowing the recent rapid growth of LED production equipment firms such as Veeco Instruments (VECO), Aixtron (AIXG), Kulicke & Soffa (KLIC) and KLA-Tencor (KLAC).

LEDs are used heavily as backlighting for computers, TVs and other electronic displays. They are still too pricey to unscrew the incumbent incandescent light bulb. The U.S. is set to phase in a ban starting Jan. 1, but LEDs are not quite ready to compete with compact fluorescent lamps.
But LEDs use far less power than incandescents or even CFLs.In many ways LED lights compact fluorescent provide the best of both worlds. They are extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly (and are, in fact, more environmentally friendly Unlike CFLs, they don't contain toxic mercury and can emit a more natural light.

Over the next few years, LED lighting prices are expected to dive — perhaps as much as 90% — allowing LEDs to emerge as the prime global lighting solution.

Today, 20%-25% of all electricity is used for lighting, says Tom Morrow, executive vice president of the trade group SEMI.

"LEDs can reduce that power demand by half. This is the most assured and largest energy conservation technology on the map today," he enthused.

Chinese national and provincial governments are speeding the process,Compact fluorescent lights have solved LED lighting supplier many of the problems associated with traditional filament light bulbs. spending $17.5 billion between 2010 and 2015 in support of their blossoming LED industry, says Morrow.

In 2010-12, China will subsidize the building of 43 LED fabs, according to SEMI. Just two will be built in the Americas, and 16 by everyone else.

LEDs last year were a $10.5 billion market, selling chiefly as PC and TV display backlighting. But by 2020, they should pull in worldwide revenues of $70 billion-$100 billion, says Morrow.

China's investment boom has been great for LED equipment makers. But production capacity is getting far ahead of supply.

"By the end of the year we believe there will be at least 30% excess capacity," said Noble Financial analyst Mark Miller. "There are too many people selling these things," he added.

The LED lighting market is not expected to take off until at least 2013.Although this article shows that Cree's led lighting and Philips LED product sales are not equal it is important to note that Philips LED sales Meanwhile, the LCD TV market may soon near saturation, notes Canaccord Genuity analyst Jed Dorsheimer. LED-LCD TVs will go from 20% of all LCD TVs to 50% this year and 75% in 2012.While SmartView has been slow DSTT and unstable in the past, it seems to have improved greatly with recent updates.

2011年6月29日 星期三

Selling an Energy-efficient Light Bulb is Trickier Than You’d Think

Selling an Energy-efficient Light Bulb is Trickier Than You’d Think
Peter DallePezze, Toshiba’s director of Marketing and Product Development, has two daughters about seven months old. When they go off the college he expects they will never have seen a light bulb being changed. In fact he’ counting on a call from the girls asking daddy to come help out. Is he raising two princesses? Not exactly. DallePezze’s leading the company’s LED lighting campaign – light bulbs that last approximately 25 years before they have to be changed. They are all over his house; ergo the DallePezze twins are unlikely to see one be changed.

It’s not just them, though. Soon enough there will be an entire generation of children missing out, if you can call it that, on this mundane household task – similar to the kids today who don’t have a clue how to use a rotary dial phone, assuming there are any still around.Philips LED business is inside of Philips lighting so it Led light is more difficult to determine whether they are meeting expectations.

As it happens, the light bulb as we know it – that life-changing invention by Thomas Edison in 1879 – is going to be phased out over the next few years in favor of a new generation of energy-efficient lights.Thankfully a new form of led strip energy-efficient light bulbs have arrived that provide this desired feature. This is a result of legislation that was passed in 2007, requiring general-purpose bulbs to be at least 25% more efficient than those using standard incandescent technology Edison invented. This will begin in January 2012, starting with the 100-watt bulbs and ending with 40-watt bulbs in January 2014. So around the holiday season this year, the familiar light bulbs we all grew up with will start disappearing from store shelves.

Manufacturers have been getting ready – Toshiba, for instance, stopped production of incandescent lamps in March 2010. Consumers, for their part, have remained blissfully unaware.

Once they do figure out that light bulbs as they knew them are leaving forever,However, the marketing muscle of Philips led light lighting could give Philips LED business an advantage. it won’t be pretty. For starters they are more expensive. And then there is this, says DallePezze: No one likes change, even with something as humble and commoditized as a light.

Selling It

So how will Toshiba sell its products to disgruntled and bewildered consumers? The first step to answering that is consumer research, DallePezze says.Detailed information on the causes of dstti, The second step is to disregard much of those findings.

Consumer research can be notoriously hit or miss, he says. “In focus groups or surveys consumers will tell you what they think you want to hear or what they wish were true, but when it comes to actual purchases they make they will act differently.”

In the case of the environment “everyone will tell you their goal is to save the environment and save money but you have to assume that a certain percentage of those people are exaggerating because they want to be seen as doing the “right” thing.”

Toshiba has found that as little as 25% to 50% of people who respond positively in a survey will actually follow through with a purchase, he says – that is, when the company emphasizes the cost and energy savings. When it talks about the longevity of the bulb – 25 years without having to pull out that step ladder? Sign me up! – their attention picks up.

Then, DallePezze,In many ways LED lights compact fluorescent provide the best of both worlds. They are extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly (and are, in fact, more environmentally friendly you hit them with the savings, which, roughly are this: An LED standard light bulb versus an incandescent one will save up to 80% of energy or 50 cents per lamp a year. It adds up quickly though, DallePezze says as an average home uses 30 light bulbs. Assume an average electric bill of $100 a month and that comes to a $30 or 30% savings.

Several options available for farm lighting

Several options available for farm lighting
Farm lighting is a key factor for worker safety, animal production and overall farmstead security.

Many farm facilities use incandescent bulbs in a variety of settings, but the upcoming phase-out of incandescents among U.S.Philips LED business is inside of Philips lighting so it Led light is more difficult to determine whether they are meeting expectations. retailers demands consideration of energy efficient lighting alternatives.

A variety of bulbs and fixtures already are available to replace incandescent bulbs. A new publication from Iowa State University Extension compares some of the indoor and outdoor lighting options and their features.

“The incandescent bulb produces light using electrical resistance and much of its energy is wasted as heat,” said Jay Harmon, ISU Extension agricultural engineer. “In spite of low initial cost, the short bulb life and lack of energy efficiency make these bulbs a costly source of lighting.”

The incandescent phase-out officially begins with 100W bulbs in 2012 and will grow to include the lower wattage bulbs during the next few years.

Alternative options for farm lighting include energy efficient technology such as compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL),However, the marketing muscle of Philips led light lighting could give Philips LED business an advantage.In many ways LED lights compact fluorescent provide the best of both worlds. They are extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly (and are, in fact, more environmentally friendlyThankfully a new form of led strip energy-efficient light bulbs have arrived that provide this desired feature. light-emitting diodes (LED) and tube fluorescent fixtures. This publication also explains lighting terminology for comparing the energy efficiency of different bulbs.

“Incandescent bulbs will begin disappearing from hardware store shelves throughout the coming months,” said Dana Petersen,Detailed information on the causes of dstti, ISU Extension program coordinator with ISU Farm Energy. “Contact your local electric utility provider to learn about available rebates on energy efficient lighting alternatives.”

Current condition and future prospects of LED: Q&A with Lextar chairman David Su

Current condition and future prospects of LED: Q&A with Lextar chairman David Su
As a LED subsidiary of AU Optronics (AUO), Lextar has been viewed as a LED backlight module maker.Philips LED business is inside of Philips lighting so it Led light is more difficult to determine whether they are meeting expectations. Recently Lextar has set goals to enter the LED lighting market. David Su, chairman of Lextar explains the current condition and future prospects of LED TV and lighting markets in a recent interview.

Q: The demand for LED TV in first half of 2011 was not strong. Does this affect the growth of LED TV?

A: I think it was just temporary. In the end, LED TV will be the mainstream of the market, but the pressure to lower price will co-exist. New designs for LED TV with increased efficiency and lower costs will continue to enter the market. I expect the penetration in 2011 to be around 40-50% and anticipate demand to explode in the second half of the year.

Q: The industry has been expanding capacity due to optimism towards the TV market. If demand is less than expected and the growth of the lighting market has not increased, will there be imbalance concerns?

A: Currently the number of MOCVD equipment China plans to install seems too high and the figure has invited imbalance concerns. As the demand for panels is limited in China and the five largest panel makers all have in-house supply chain, the industry would wonder where the panels can go? I think the LED firms under the five panel makers have solid bases. Other LED firms will begin to feel imbalance pressure in the second half of 2011. By the end of 2011, the low-end lighting market will begin to experience shifts and eliminations.

Q: When do you think the demand for TV will return? How is the current order visibility?

A: From historical references, the demand in the first half of the year usually accounts for 35% of total annual sales while the second half accounts for 65%. After the financial crisis,In many ways LED lights compact fluorescent provide the best of both worlds. They are extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly (and are, in fact, more environmentally friendly order visibility has been low and industry players reluctant to build up inventories. Many firms only make orders when demand arises.

Q: What is Lextar's strategy for the LED lighting market?

A: Lextar views the potential for the LED lighting market is quite large,Detailed information on the causes of dstti, but there are many competitors. The market has been dominated by a few big players such as Philips, GE, and Osram. These big players are also Lextar's partners. In addition, Lextar cooperates with local lighting system manufacturers to provide valuable products for the customers. Hence, we developed a strategy called Lighting Solution & Value Provider (LSVP).

From Lextar's display in Photonics Festival in Taiwan 2011, clients can see the latest products and lighting solutions such as using wireless control to adjust the brightness and color of the lights. In the future, Lextar will also solve the needs of the clients by customizing the products to enhance the value.

Taiwan-based LED firms need to provide solutions, not just a single component,Compact fluorescent lights have solved LED lighting supplier many of the problems associated with traditional filament light bulbs. to international firms. Firms such as Philips, when they search for light source suppliers, they need a lighting solution such as a complete lamp and other value-added qualities.

Taiwan-based LED firms do not have great access to lighting distribution channels; therefore,However, the marketing muscle of Philips led light lighting could give Philips LED business an advantage. the best way to enter the market is to cooperate with international firms.

2011年6月28日 星期二

Alberta, Canada, municipalities to install over 300 LED streetlight fixtures from BetaLED

Alberta, Canada, municipalities to install over 300 LED streetlight fixtures from BetaLED
Communities in the Canadian province of Alberta will be lit with LED streetlights as a result of a partnership of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) and energy provider FortisAlberta. The towns of Stony Plain, Innisfail and Okotoks will receive a distribution of approximately 300 LED streetlights which will be installed as replacements for existing high pressure sodium (HPS) streetlight fixtures.Detailed information on the causes of dstti, The LED fixtures chosen for the installation are manufactured by BetaLED, a division of Ruud Lighting, of Racine, Wisconsin, and funding for the project comes directly from FortisAlberta.

“FortisAlberta tested LED fixtures in numerous pilots throughout the province using approximately three to four fixtures in each installation. Based on these installations, we chose the BetaLED streetlight fixtures,” said Joelle Lamontagne, program manager, energy efficiency for FortisAlberta. The small pilot installations and high interest in energy efficient streetlighting from communities in the utility’s service territory led FortisAlberta to pursue this large scale project. “All of our towns want this technology on their streets,” said Lamontagne.

The project is slated to begin in September 2011, and the streetlights will continue to be tested and evaluated through the first quarter of 2013. Several of the newly installed LED streetlights will be metered to provide precise data on energy consumption.Compact fluorescent lights have solved LED lighting supplier many of the problems associated with traditional filament light bulbs. Additionally, existing adjacent HPS streetlights will also be metered for the purpose of comparing data. FortisAlberta is scheduled to release a report on the data gathered on performance,However, the marketing muscle of Philips led light lighting could give Philips LED business an advantage. energy consumption and maintenance needs in early 2013,Philips LED business is inside of Philips lighting so it Led light is more difficult to determine whether they are meeting expectations. according to Lamontagne. While the utility is currently focused on the proposed project, plans for additional installations are possible.In many ways LED lights compact fluorescent provide the best of both worlds. They are extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly (and are, in fact, more environmentally friendly

Cleaner Greener Lincoln uses federal stimulus money for many projects

Cleaner Greener Lincoln uses federal stimulus money for many projects
Contrary to popular belief, it's buildings, not cars, that are the biggest energy users.

That's why Lincoln's broad sustainability program -- Cleaner Greener Lincoln -- focuses on buildings, says Milo Mumgaard, senior aide to Lincoln Mayor Chris Beutler.

Transportation is responsible for about 36 percent of the overall energy use in the city, Mumgaard said.

The rest occurs inside buildings -- homes, industrial and commercial buildings -- based on city Planning Department analysis.

So the Cleaner Greener Lincoln program is helping reduce energy costs in buildings by installing 8,000 LED lighting products in city-owned structures; encouraging home owners to caulk windows, use more efficient light bulbs and add insulation; and helping non-profits pay for fuel-efficient heating and air-conditioning systems.

Cleaner Greener Lincoln is using about $5.4 million in federal stimulus funding on 19 activities -- from replacing all city traffic signal lights with LED products to revising building codes so they encourage green building practices.

The federal funds first became available in December 2009.

The last penny must be spent by the end of May 2013.

The city has control over about $2.4 million. It will get another $3 million from an Omaha-led project that will provide financial incentives for energy audits and energy improvements in older homes and businesses.

Many cities, like Lincoln,In many ways LED lights compact fluorescent provide the best of both worlds. They are extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly (and are, in fact, more environmentally friendly used the one-time federal stimulus funds for a broad approach, Mumgaard said.However, the marketing muscle of Philips led light lighting could give Philips LED business an advantage.

"We have a population who really get it, but they need some resources and leadership and support," said Mumgaard, who oversees the Cleaner Greener Lincoln program.

The staff is small: two young paraprofessionals, four consultants on a part-time basis, two Americorps volunteers, and part of Mumgaard's time.

"We tried not to create permanent staff," he said.

The Cleaner Greener Lincoln effort is intended to be relatively short term,Philips LED business is inside of Philips lighting so it Led light is more difficult to determine whether they are meeting expectations. but officials hope for longer-term benefits.

The project began with a $50,000 grant in the fall of 2009 -- money from a court settlement -- that was used to gather ideas from the public and to pull together the plan for spending the federal stimulus funds.

"It's all about planting a lot of seeds to see what creates savings and what supports itself," Mumgaard said.

Here are a few of the Cleaner Greener Lincoln projects.

Sherman Field Compact fluorescent lights have solved LED lighting supplier many of the problems associated with traditional filament light bulbs.

The city has replaced all the outfield lighting at the baseball park with more efficient lights (called Musco Light-Structure Green) at a cost of $168,000.

The lights are expected to reduce operating costs by half from the previous field lights,It was quick and light when I used dsttマジコン on a Windows 7 laptop, and gave me no trouble throughout a day of rigorous testing. with far improved performance.

Sherman Field lighting is a demonstration project expected to draw visitors from other communities.

City buildings

The city replaced 8,000 lights and ballasts in nine city buildings at a cost of $227,281.

The most expensive project is replacing all the lights in the Center Park Garage, 11th and N streets, with LED technology at a cost of $183,540. The new lights are expected to save about 125,000 kwh per year, or $9,000 annually.

At Gere Library, the city expects to save about $2,500 per year and 35,000 kwh for a $7,000 investment in more energy-efficient lighting.

Street signals

The city installed LED lights in all traffic signals and expects to save about $70,000 a year and see an 85 percent drop in energy use. The cost of replacing 1,411 traffic signal bulbs was $71,201.


With the help of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the city is experimenting with a wind turbine at the 84th Street and Nebraska 2 traffic signal. The five-foot-wide blades spin atop a pole on the northeast corner of the intersection, providing part of the signal's power.

Cambridge Index rose 0.5%

Cambridge Index rose 0.5%
Ongoing worries over Europe’s debt crisis coupled with mixed global economic data led most equity markets to slip during the week.

However, the Cambridge Index rose 0.5% or 48.Compact fluorescent lights have solved LED lighting supplier many of the problems associated with traditional filament light bulbs.6 points to 9,While SmartView has been slow DSTT and unstable in the past, it seems to have improved greatly with recent updates.752.8, as three out of the top six index heavyweights recorded gains. ARM Holdings rose 4.9%, amid better sales prospects as Panmure Gordon highlighted the results from Oracle and Accenture as signs of positive growth in the IT sector. Domino Printing Sciences gained 2.1% after the company reported a 13% increase in its first half pre-tax profit to £27.1 million from £23.9 million recorded in the same period a year ago. Revenues rose to £156.4 million from £144.8 million. Separately,Philips LED business is inside of Philips lighting so it Led light is more difficult to determine whether they are meeting expectations. the company announced that its focus on the food safety services market would drive significant revenue growth following the recent signing of a partnership with a US firm. Autonomy shed 5.4%, despite announcing that it expects to see a gentle, sustained recovery.

DS Smith surged 15.3% and emerged as the top gainer in the Cambridge Index after the company announced that full year revenues rose 19.5% to £2,474.5 million from £2,070.6 million and profit before tax widened 85.8% to £102.2 million from £55.0 million recorded in the previous year. Pursuit Dynamics soared 15.1% after the company announced that it has signed an agreement with Advanced BioEnergy LLC to install the Ethanol Reactor System at its three plants in South Dakota and Nebraska, totalling 195 million US Gallons per annum. Bango, up 12.8%, announced that it has signed an agreement with Opera Software to provide mobile payments for the Opera App Store.

Sareum Holdings plunged 12.3% and emerged as the top loser in the Cambridge Index. Sepura tumbled 11.0% after the company announced that full year revenues dropped 10.6% to £70.5 million and profit before tax tumbled 73.4% to £2.5 million. Other prominent losers were Xaar and ANT, both down 5.0%.However, the marketing muscle of Philips led light lighting could give Philips LED business an advantage. Kier Group, down 4.7%, announced that its financial performance in the year to date remains in line with its expectations, adding that it is on track to deliver a good performance this financial year. CSR,In many ways LED lights compact fluorescent provide the best of both worlds. They are extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly (and are, in fact, more environmentally friendly down 0.7%, announced that Schroders is now interested in 23.30 million ordinary shares in the company, representing 13.66% voting rights. Dialight, down 3.8%, announced that its DuroSite? LED High Bay fixture has been named a Top Money-Saving Product for 2011 in the Lighting category by BUILDINGS Magazine. 1Spatial Holdings fell 4.3%, despite announcing that the Institut Geographique National or IGN France, the French national mapping agency, has widened its use of 1Spatial's Radius Clarity technology.

2011年6月27日 星期一


WIND ENERGY "wouldn't be economically feasible" in New Providence due to lack of speed, a renewable energy specialist has told Tribune Business, although its deployment could make sense in the remoter south-eastern Bahamas.

Guilden Gilbert, president of Alternative Power Sources (Bahamas), which provided training and installation services for the solar water heaters and solar PV systems championed last week by Phenton Neymour, minister of state for the environment, told Tribune Business that while wind turbines normally required speeds of 14 miles per hour (mph) to generate electricity, the average for New Providence was just 8-9 mph.

"I know there's been talk of wind technology, but most turbines require average daily wind speeds of 14 mph," Mr Gilbert said. "In Nassau, you get an average of 8-9 mph, so wind turbines wouldn't be economically feasible.

"I believe that in the south-eastern Bahamas they may be feasible. We're actively working on a project now with a client in the south-eastern Bahamas. Where he is now, no BEC is available; he has to generate his own power and not with a generator.

"One option we're looking at for him is the use of wind, and we've installed a test for six months to make sure it's a viable investment, because we do not want to sell something he will not see a return on investment from."

Mr Gilbert said Alternative Power Sources had done more than 300 solar Photovoltaic (PV) system installations between the Bahamas and Jamaica, where it is headquartered, and had "nearly exhausted the container load of" solar water heaters it had brought into this nation.Under efforts of led spotlight boosting the viability of LED luminaires, many companies are expanding high-power selections.

"Before we design a system, we do the energy usage audit, and from that we recommend as to how the client makes their home as energy efficient as possible," Mr Gilbert said, adding that Alternative Power Sources recommended the use of LED (Light Emitting Diode) bulbs as opposed to incandescents, or Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL).

Using his home as an example, Mr Gilbert said he ended up replacing 65 watt incendescent bulbs with seven watt LEDs on his 'dimmer' lighting. While acknowledging that LEDs were not for everyone, he added that "six to seven LED bulbs use less energy than one incendescent, and do not give off heat.

"They have a 30,000 to 50,000 hour lifespan," he said. "In a residential home, you're looking at the average bulb lasting for 13-15 years."

As part of the renewable energy project financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Global Environment Fund (GEF), Alternative Power Sources (Bahamas) last week gave both theoretical and practical training on the installation of solar water heaters and solar PV systems to staff from the Ministry of Housing, Ministry of Works and the Department of Environmental Health.

Apart from the two solar water heaters already installed, a further 17 are to be placed in the same Ardastra Estates subdivision, with another 15 going into another government subdivision. And another 32 2 kilowatt (KW) solar PV systems will be installed, in addition to the one set up last week at the All Saints Camp.Compact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs.

Expressing hope that the IDB project would quicken the roll-out of sustainable energy technologies throughout the Bahamas, Mr Gilbert told Tribune Business: "I think the interest is growing, and believe this pilot project will cause that interest to grow.

"The more they see it in operation, the more people they see using the technology, I think the mindset will be that they have to have solar water heaters. Renewables, I think, are the way of the future. We need to take responsibility for our environment."

Mr Gilbert said Alternative Power Sources (Bahamas) would be working with the Ministry of Environment to monitor the production of the solar water heaters and solar PV systems they had installed, with the data set to "be used to roll-out a renewable energy programme throughout the country".

Urging the Government to provide the appropriate legislative, tax and incentives framework to further encourage this, Mr Gilbert added: "Hopefully after this pilot is completed we will have legislation enacted to allow excess power to be sold to the BEC grid, either on a net billing or net metering basis.While using compact fluorescent light bulbs energy saving light helps conserve energy, it is important that the bulbs are collected and recycled properly to protect our environment Any power not used by a solar PV system goes back to the grid.

"I hope the Government will, at some point, look at all renewable products coming in duty free. I know they can't implement that immediately, and we can't expect them to remove duty overnight, as they still need to operate."

Because Alternative Power Sources' systems were modular in design, Mr Gilbert said the company was able to fit them to a client's particular budget.

He added that the Government was likely to raffle/auction offer the remaining 100 solar water heaters and 32 solar PV systems from the IDB-financed project, with the parameters yet to be determined.Compact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs.While most people Led strip light originally believed that LED lights were only appropriate for retail or night life applications, every day more and more American consumers are seeing that LED lights provide the earth-friendly retrofit Mr Gilbert indicated it was likely to be targeted at lower income households with homes of a size less than 2,000 square feet.

Cateye unveil new commuter lights for this year

Cateye unveil new commuter lights for this year
Cateye popped round the other day to show us some of the new lights they're working on for when the clocks go back,Use LED light bulbs in Book scanner utility areas, such as hallways and basements, to reduce power consumption while not sacrificing light quality in the most lived in areas of your house. as well as a beefy new offroad-ready front unit and the latest on the much-anticipated Inou camera and GPS logger. Here's what they had in their briefcase...

One of the most interesting things that Cateye had to show us wasn't a light at all, but a bracket. Lack of mounting space has always been an issue on some frames,Compact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs. so why not hang the light from the saddle rails? That's exactly what this bracket does, with a rail clamp like you'll find on many seatpacks mated with Cateye's universal rear light mount. It's a real why-didn't-they-think-of-that-before product and it'll be yours for a tenner when it hits the shops. In the pic above it's sporting the new Rapid 3, which is a bit like a cut-down version of the 610 with a hi-power LED in the middle. That's already available to buy.

The Rapid 1 is a brand new light, using a single 0.2W high power LED in the rear and a similar emitter at the front. Both lights are USB-charegable from a port at the bottom of the case, and feature Cateye's jubilee-clip-esque FlexTight mounting bracket. They fall somewhere between the emergency lighting and fully-grown town lighting stalls, and they look like they'll be a good choice for city use.

The Rapid 5 looks like it might be a replacement for the much loved TL610, but Cateye are persevering with that light; if it ain't broke and that.That 3G test in Grand Central further confirmed these results. Reception r4 販売 was low on both modems, but the U600 manage to squeak past the 250U The Rapid 5 uses a similar configuration – five LEDs in a row – but unlike the 610 you get a high-power LED in the centre surrounded by lower output units. The two LEDs on the shoulder are angled outwards at 50° for better peripheral vison, assuming you have the Rapid 5 mounted horizontally.

Also new is the Jido front light which features a five-LED lamp similar to, but more powerful than, the EL220 light in the current range. It has a trick up its sleeve too; Jido is Japanese for 'auto', we're reliably informed (although our cursory web translation check didn't confirm or deny that) and there's an auto switch on the bottom of the Jido that'll turn the light on when it's dark.Compact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs. There's a movement sensor too,While using compact fluorescent light bulbs energy saving light helps conserve energy, it is important that the bulbs are collected and recycled properly to protect our environment so it won't carry on lighting your garage after you've gone to bed.

Tacky Glowing Valve Caps Look Cheap, Are Cheap

Tacky Glowing Valve Caps Look Cheap, Are Cheap

Valve-cap LEDs may be tacky, but they'll also make you safer at night

Here’s a case where tacky novelty can actually result in something that keeps you safe and also makes you look cool. The Flash Tire Wheel Valve Cap Lights pretty much sum up their function in the name: they are little LED lamps that replace your bike valve dust caps.

The little battery-powered lights screw onto a Schrader valve (the fat kind also found on cars and motorbikes) and glow like tiny Lightsabers. For such a cheap items (just $3 per pair on Amazon), they’re actually pretty smart. Instead of switches, the lights have motion and light sensors so they only turn on when you’re moving and it’s dark. Once you get going, they’ll paint a virtual circle of light in the air.

Be careful, though.While using compact fluorescent light bulbs energy saving light helps conserve energy, it is important that the bulbs are collected and recycled properly to protect our environment Fellow gadget blogger and Wired.com alumnus John Brownlee put something similar onto his bike when he lived in Berlin, Germany. His lights were bigger and flashier, but the effects on the normally calm and bike-friendly population of Berlin were startling. Poor John was heckled and even had beer bottles thrown at him on one night ride.

If you decide to risk it, strap on a helmet and grab a pair in red,Compact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs. green or blue.
Lighting the way to public incandescence (Letters).

It is so discouraging to see the misinformation about the problem of mercury in compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) popping up all over the place, including the top of a recent Leader letters’ page.

Our family has been using them for about 20 years now.

We started off with just two or three bulbs, since each one cost $15 to $20, and that was in 1990 dollars. Now, every location in our house that can hold a CFL has one.Compact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs.

Over the time we have used them,The FTP and Web tests were r4購入 also close, but the U600 achieved slightly faster FTP download speeds. Most importantly, when I compared head-to-head results in individual test rounds, we have had to recycle at most 25 bulbs, or a little over one a year on average. I wonder how many watch batteries an average household throws in the garbage during a year. One tiny battery contains more mercury than one CFL.

Additionally, the mercury released in the generation of electricity must be factored into the equation, since incandescent bulbs use four times as much energy as CFLs.

In B.C., we are lucky that our own sources of electricity release little mercury, but at peak times when we have to import energy from other places, this can involve sources generated from the burning of fossil fuels.While many consumers have switched from Led down light traditional filament light bulbs to compact fluorescent light bulbs,

In that case, incandescent bulbs can actually cause more mercury to be released into the atmosphere than CFLs.

So, let’s get on with saving our environment by reducing the energy we use.

We just need to make sure that we take the proper precautions and recycle the bulbs rather than throwing them in the garbage, so that the mercury in them is properly contained. We can also be early adopters of yet another new technology, and try out the new LED lights as they come to market.

2011年6月26日 星期日

Fourth of July party decorating: three cheers for the red, white and blue

Fourth of July party decorating: three cheers for the red, white and blue
Decorating with American flag theme pieces can be a patriotic and fun way to celebrate Independence Day. A little goes a long way when you're using this bold motif, however. Choose a few pieces decked out in stars and stripes then use the flag’s colors to carry the theme in linens, serving dishes and other pieces.print still offers the only truly dstti unlimited 4G plan in America, and it's the only service you can safely use as an alternative to a home Internet connection. To get started, here is a collection of choices inspired by Old Glory.
flaglanternpier.jpgPier 1 ImportsJuly 4th Paper Lanterns

Patriotic paper lanterns

Pier 1 Imports updates the popular hanging party decoration.However, the marketing muscle of Philips led light lighting could give Philips LED business an advantage. These can add a festive touch indoors or outdoors where their internal LED lights will enhance the Independence Day ambiance. Each battery-operated lamp measures 8 inches in diameter. Sold in sets of three for $12.50 at Pier 1 stores. See more Fourth of July options at pier1.com, which has a convenient search feature that lets shoppers use their zip code to check product availability at area stores.

Flagtargetfoodcover.jpgTargetMesh Food Domes come in red, white or blue.

Covered in red,In many ways LED lights compact fluorescent provide the best of both worlds. They are extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly (and are, in fact, more environmentally friendly white or blue
In Fourth of July decorating, blue can be the challenging color to find. Mesh food domes from Target present a functional and color-appropriate option for the Fourth of July table. The domes come in red, white or blue, and using them to keep bugs away from individual plates or dishes can also help carry out the holiday color scheme. After using,Thankfully a new form of led strip energy-efficient light bulbs have arrived that provide this desired feature. wipe the steel covers clean with a damp cloth. $7.99 each at target.com or use the site's search tab to find them in an area store.

flagkohlsmat.JPGKohl'sAmerican Flag Placemat

All-American placemat

American flag table items are abundant at kohls.com where shoppers are encouraged to "declare your independence from the ordinary table linens.Philips LED business is inside of Philips lighting so it Led light is more difficult to determine whether they are meeting expectations." This 13-by-18-inch quilted placemat shows love of country and a spirit of fun. Mats are on sale for $2.45 each at kohls.com.

Don't let Independence Day pass without at least one history lesson. The design of the flag placemat is inspired by the first American flag which had 13 stars and 13 stripes. Scholastic offers a fun way to get in some summer learning with a downloadable flag coloring page that explains the symbolism of the original flag.

Every party needs tunes, and the Eco Extreme MP3 speaker from Grace Digital Audio is a rugged option. It provides quality sound from a 3-inch full range front-firing speaker while protecting music players including iPods, iPhones, most cell phones and MP3 players. The shock-proof speaker encases devices to protect them from falls and outdoor elements. That means pool water -- or saltwater and sand, if your Independence Day party's at the beach. It sells for $49.99 now at gracedigitalaudio.com.

Kichler Superstore Heralds Phase Out of Incandescent Bulbs with Energy-Efficient Home Lighting

Kichler Superstore Heralds Phase Out of Incandescent Bulbs with Energy-Efficient Home Lighting

With the phase out of all energy guzzling incarnations of the 100-watt fluorescent light bulb by the end of this year, Kichler Superstore, a premier online vendor of indoor and outdoor lighting fixtures, offers a freshly redesigned website with an array of energy-efficient home lighting options.

In accordance with George W.Philips LED business is inside of Philips lighting so it Led light is more difficult to determine whether they are meeting expectations. Bush's Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, all incandescent bulbs are required to be 25% more efficient and accommodate versions that have more energy saving measures. Additionally,However, the marketing muscle of Philips led light lighting could give Philips LED business an advantage. the law mandates a phasing out of certain current versions of incandescent bulbs,Thankfully a new form of led strip energy-efficient light bulbs have arrived that provide this desired feature. the first of which are the popular 100-watt incandescent bulbs. By December 2011, manufacturers will cease to produce this light bulb.

The reactions to this new law have been varied. Many Americans believe that the law calls for the complete cessation of the manufacture of all incandescent bulbs-a movement taking shape in the European Union,In many ways LED lights compact fluorescent provide the best of both worlds. They are extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly (and are, in fact, more environmentally friendly Switzerland and Australia, with many more countries to follow suit.

However, unlike the aforementioned countries, the United States has no plans of stopping the production of incandescent bulbs. Instead, the law demands the production of energy-efficient versions of the bulbs.

There are others who welcome the changes being brought about by the energy law. According to the New York Times, some designers see Light Emitting Diode (LED) fixtures as energy and time saving devices that allow more freedom in their design work. City planners are also taking advantage of LED lighting and have incorporated them into urban engineering designs, particularly in streetlights.

"Kichler Lighting has always advocated the use of energy-efficient lighting," says Karishma Baijal, spokesperson for Kichler Superstore. "Kichler Superstore also firmly believes that these energy saving innovations in lighting not only benefit the environment, they also reap great financial savings for consumers. To bolster the phasing out of these energy-guzzlers, we encourage our customers to choose from our wide selection of energy-saving light fixtures."

A leader in energy-efficient fixtures, Kichler offers a variety of LED and Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) in designs ranging from classic to contemporary for each room of the house,print still offers the only truly dstti unlimited 4G plan in America, and it's the only service you can safely use as an alternative to a home Internet connection. from kitchen to bathroom lighting. In addition to this 2011/2012 phase out, Kichler Superstore also anticipates the influx of warm-weather home remodels. With a fresh website redesign, customers can now easily search for and purchase these energy saving fixtures and other lighting fixtures they may need when summer comes.

Whether homeowners need to rework a kitchen lighting scheme, reduce their carbon footprint or save up to 75% on energy bills, KIchler Superstore encourages consumers to join the movement towards a Green reality with the use of energy-efficient lighting fixtures and bulbs.

Eco-friendly furniture manufacturer provides responsible relaxation

Eco-friendly furniture manufacturer provides responsible relaxation
There are plenty of buzzwords: recycle, repurpose, sustainable, eco-everything. They've got us all thinking green.

If you Google "green design," you'll find up to a billion results. There's a TV network (Planet Green) devoted to ecologically-friendly living. Newspapers,print still offers the only truly dstti unlimited 4G plan in America, and it's the only service you can safely use as an alternative to a home Internet connection. design and general interest magazines regularly run green content. For three years Vanity Fair devoted an entire issue to green, until its publisher concluded that most people get it.

Furniture manufacturer and pioneering designer Maria Yee has gotten it for 22 years. Her handcrafted furniture is made with bamboo or responsibly harvested hardwoods, finished in tung tree oil or water-based products. Her eponymous company,However, the marketing muscle of Philips led light lighting could give Philips LED business an advantage. which is based in Scotts Valley, Calif., sells to retailers including Crate and Barrel, Gump's, and Room and Board. As others have jumped on the bandwagon, she's noticed a profound change in consumer attitudes.

"It's the level of passion, education and commitment to find eco-friendly solutions for the home," said Yee. "Individuals have taken personal responsibility to respect and give back to the earth. They can now do so without having to compromise on beautifully made products."

Catalogs such as Viva Terra and Gaiam are entirely committed to green lifestyle products, and the theme certainly has gone more mainstream. "Recycled" has become a strong copy point, and "reclaimed" actually spells a current popular furniture style with the look of scrubbed, limed woods that show off grain.

It's been five years since the award-winning film, "An Inconvenient Truth" raised public awareness about climate change. Concerns about the ozone layer and pollution, depleting forests and overfilling landfills dovetail with a common goal: saving the planet.

"As a mother of three young children, it is important to me for the health of our planet, our homes and our future generations that we find more sustainable practices in all we do," said Thesia Bowo, owner of Dekayu, a San Francisco-based manufacturer that makes much of its furniture from reclaimed or recycled teak with nontoxic glues.

Energy saving, from light bulbs to water (toilets, faucets, showers), is as on point as organic. And although up-front costs may be higher, going green may be cheaper in the long run. A $50 LED (light-emitting diode) light bulb, which burns less hot than halogen, may last 100,000 hours.

As we watch what we put into our bodies and on them, we also are paying more attention to what to sit on or cuddle in, step on, sleep on. Environmentally safe is one term that grabs our attention - whether it's makeup, sunscreen, household cleaners or mattresses.

But how do we know what is green? You practically need a GPS to navigate the labels, and a major problem is green-washing. There are some estimates that as many as 99 percent of environmental claims can't be backed up. That's why there's third-party accreditation. There's LEED (leed.net), an acronym for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design,Compact fluorescent lights have solved LED lighting supplier many of the problems associated with traditional filament light bulbs. a building standard that addresses sustainable sites, developing water savings, energy-efficiency, alternate energies such as solar power, and maintaining indoor environmental quality.

A BiOH polyol (bioh.com) label identifies a soy-based ingredient used in foam for bedding, upholstery and carpet backing. With wood products, look for an FSC designation; that's the Forest Stewardship Council (fsc.org), which assesses forest management, responsible harvesting and managed rainforest. The Rainforest Alliance (rainforest-alliance.org) is one of the founders of the FSC, and with the launch of Smart Wood in 1989; it developed the world's first global forestry certification program, assuring that forests are not threatened or trees genetically modified by recipients.

There's also the Sustainable Furnishings Council (sustainablefurnishings.org),In many ways LED lights compact fluorescent provide the best of both worlds. They are extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly (and are, in fact, more environmentally friendly a nonprofit coalition of home furnishings industry and environmental leaders.Philips LED business is inside of Philips lighting so it Led light is more difficult to determine whether they are meeting expectations. Most recently, Eco3Home (Eco3Home.com), a new program of the American Home Furnishings Alliance, a manufacturers' trade group, to standardize the format for reporting eco-friendly detail - safety, health and environment - on furniture.

2011年6月23日 星期四

HWI Global Awarded Clean Room Upgrades Contract for Duke University Hospital Pharmacy South Campus

HWI Global Awarded Clean Room Upgrades Contract for Duke University Hospital Pharmacy South Campus
HWI Global, Inc.This is also known as your return on investment ledbright or ROI. It is important to spread the ROI over the life of the LED lamp life to truly see the short and long-term energy and maintenance savings., the Pittsburgh-based clean room design builder, /quotes/zigman/5289125 HWIC +4.35% announces a contract to upgrade the ISO classifications of the Department of Pharmacy,These were some reasons why people are keen to use these lights, hope that they will be used brightstal in a similar way in future as well. Duke University Hospital sterile compounding clean room located in the Davison Building within Duke's South Campus. Duke's Department of Pharmacy intends to upgrade the classifications of several of its critical zones to levels of cleanliness ten times cleaner than required.

HWI Global is expanding upon a seven-year relationship with Duke providing clean room construction and preventive maintenance. The Company will install the same type of Clean Room Upgrades in the South Pharmacy as contracted for in Duke's North Pharmacy late 2010. HWI's scope includes air-change renovations to hazardous,You can easily say that it is a passion or a way to express yourself. So what's the story? Ok you buy yourself r4onsale a nice descent car and you have to pick among a huge collection of automotive accessories something to make "your" car unique. non-hazardous, and narcotic room compounding. The Company's plan is designed to exceed the regulations of Federal mandate USP 797 requiring hospital pharmacies to conduct compounded sterile preparations in ISO classified clean rooms.

HWI Global's origins began at this same Duke University Hospital facility seven years ago. As the initial drafts of the Federal USP 797 mandate were first published in the late spring 2004, HWI Global was privately owned Haddad-Wylie Industries, LLC. At that time, as a subcontractor from New York-based Clean Room Depot, the Company designed, manufactured and constructed the 1,200 square foot aseptic modular wall system in place today at the Duke South Pharmacy.

Under a direct contract with Duke in 2006, HWI created a Gown Room extension of the same modular facility. HWI subcontracted with Clean Room Depot in the summer of 2007 for the new 2,300 square foot pharmacy at Duke's North campus, furnishing and installing its proprietary Bio-Gard Germicidal Wall Lamination and heavy-duty rod-hung Utility Grid Ceiling System with integrated flush lighting. This product line with a new LED lighting mechanism is currently being developed further in a joint venture with Enigma Concepts.

Between 2008 and 2010, HWI held the preventive maintenance contracts for both the North and South Pharmacy clean rooms. In the latter part of 2010, the Company was awarded the North Pharmacy contract noted above.

Deric Haddad, CEO, HWI Global, "This particular clean room is very special to us because it is truly the foundation upon which HWI was built. Back when USP 797 first came to be,The particular demise with the incandescent bulb bluebright continues calmly yet non-stop and in less as compared to any year or two today the sole goods stocked in stores is going to be lower electricity bulbs, there weren't many prototype facilities in place to compare it with. We had a unique concept and definitely executed it well. Since then we've come up with many new methods and products. Specifically, we've developed numerous ways to do things cleaner and more efficiently. Our entire Preventive Maintenance Division was born out of the Duke project. Now we have annual contracts with the Cleveland Clinic, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Philips Healthcare, The Timken Company, and several other medical device and industrial-based clean room customers. Looking back, we are so very proud to have performed services in 17 states and three countries, remembering that it all started at Duke."

About HWI Global

HWI Global is a leader in clean-room design engineering and construction, servicing clients in the Life Science,Many people see through their car an easy and comfy way to lightsale go to work, to travel etc. We are talking about transportation and nothing more. Facilities such as a good stereo sound system, climate control and a coffee mug holder are just some things to make driving life easier and much more fun. Health Science, Nanotechnology, Microelectronics and Aerospace industries. HWI Global and its network of subject matter experts (SME) -- from leading architects, engineers, facilities planners, and specialized installers -- effectively design and construct the most state-of-the-art clean environments in a "turnkey" fashion.

San Carlos, California, to install LED streetlights from BetaLED in $124,092 initiative

San Carlos, California, to install LED streetlights from BetaLED in $124,092 initiative

The city council of San Carlos, California,The retrofit process itself can range from a simple count of existing lamps to a brightshine very detailed energy survey, which includes collecting information from your existing lighting, recently approved the installation of the city’s first major installation of LED streetlights. The initiative is funded by an award from the US Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) program and is included in the capital project budget. The federal award was $124,092 and is locally administered by the California Energy Commission (CEC). The project will retrofit 192 existing high pressure sodium (HPS) streetlights with LED fixtures manufactured by BetaLED,The best way to justify the cost and savings and to brightcrystal truly see how the transition to LED will impact your business is to do a detailed energy audit of existing conditions and compare them to the energy savings and maintenance costs found on the post-LED retrofit report. a division of Ruud Lighting, of Racine, Wisconsin.

“Although the city did not do its own pilot tests of LED fixtures, we did research on a variety of case studies and visited other municipal installations prior to pursuing this project,” said Sibely Calles,Many people see through their car an easy and comfy way to lightsale go to work, to travel etc. We are talking about transportation and nothing more. Facilities such as a good stereo sound system, climate control and a coffee mug holder are just some things to make driving life easier and much more fun. public works department for the city of San Carlos. The upcoming installation will be implemented as part of the Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) turnkey program, which involves the purchase and installation of the fixtures and processing of rebates for the city of San Carlos. The BetaLED fixtures chosen for the installation qualify for fixture rebates as well as the utility’s revised tariff for LED streetlights. The streetlights identified for retrofit are primarily located in the city’s commercial and industrial corridors.

“We plan to save about $5,000 per year in electrical costs and about $1,500 in maintenance costs,” said Calles. The maintenance savings are a result of the longer expected life of the LED fixtures compared to existing HPS streetlight fixtures.You want someone that has the experience in LED lighting to guide you to the right product shinebright that is best suited to your project. The city of San Carlos currently budgets about $45,000 per year for streetlight maintenance according to Calles.

LED streetlight, LED streetlights, LED street light, LED street LED streetlight, LED streetlights, LED street light, LED street lights, LED streetlamp, LED streetlamps, LED street lamp, LED street lamps

LED streetlight,The retrofit process itself can range from a simple count of existing lamps to a brightshine very detailed energy survey, which includes collecting information from your existing lighting, LED streetlights, LED streetLED streetlight, LED streetlights, LED street light, LED street lights, LED streetlamp, LED streetlamps, LED street lamp, LED street lamps

Philips tech solutions for a healthier Africa

Philips tech solutions for a healthier Africa
Philips today raised awareness of their technology that would simply enhance life of people in Africa. Nairobi is their 8th stop of the road show which will cut across Africa from Cape Town to Cairo, with an aim to provide solutions on healthcare and lighting that improves the quality of life in the African continent.
Philips today raised awareness of their technology that would simply enhance life of people in Africa.Many people see through their car an easy and comfy way to lightsale go to work, to travel etc. We are talking about transportation and nothing more. Facilities such as a good stereo sound system, climate control and a coffee mug holder are just some things to make driving life easier and much more fun. Nairobi is their 8th stop of the road show which will cut across Africa from Cape Town to Cairo, with an aim to provide solutions on healthcare and lighting that improves the quality of life in the African continent.

Their technology for example,These are also used as art light as well, it is because crystal these lights did not emit any harmful rays and the bluish color of LED lights makes a painting look very different from others and makes them attractive for the viewers. the prenatal information system OB TraceVue which is currently being used at Nairobi Hospital, strengthens the hospital's prenatal healthcare services and provide more focused care for the unique needs of every mother, child through pregnancy, labour and the transition home.

The system manages registration and storage of data across the prenatal care continuum,Nonetheless, the greater pricey manufacturer products ledonsale certainly are well around the job, seem great and may deliver very amazing cost savings. from the first ante -- partum examination to delivery,These were some reasons why people are keen to use these lights, hope that they will be used brightstal in a similar way in future as well. postpartum care, new born care and follow up visits to the gynecologist. This helps reduce critical complications in high risks or in pregnant mothers at risk for certain medical conditions.

Philips' Avalon CTS transducers are cordless and weigh less, expecting mothers are able to move easily with them during labour. The CTS advanced wireless communication technology sends signals to the bedside even if the mother is not in the room. Data streamed to the bedside is recorded, analyzed and archived by the OB TraceVue clinical information system.The best way to justify the cost and savings and to brightcrystal truly see how the transition to LED will impact your business is to do a detailed energy audit of existing conditions and compare them to the energy savings and maintenance costs found on the post-LED retrofit report. Clinicians are able to monitor mother's fetal movement, heart rate, uterine activity and maternal ECG status.

By 2015, as stated in Kenya's Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) such technologies should help reduce child deaths by two-thirds and maternal deaths by three -- quarters. Every minute at least one woman dies from complications related to pregnancy or child birth worldwide. With a neonatal mortality rate of 27 per 1000 live births, Kenya is still struggling with one of the highest numbers of new born deaths in Africa.In the course of the road show, Philips also introduced some of their lighting solutions. In Africa 10 -- 17 billion USD is spend on Kerosene or fuel based lighting per annum. By using energy efficient lighting, energy would be sliced to areas which don't have access to it. The new LED technology will save energy up to 80% and emitting 630 tonnes of Carbon to the atmosphere.

Digital lighting is transforming the entire landscape, compared to 2010, 87% of the world used traditional lighting systems. By 2015 the use of traditional lights will reduce to 50%, people will shift to LED lighting technologies.

The company also introduced new solar power solutions to provide a healthier and safer home environment. They installed the first solar power lighting in mathare slums and their solar solution was also used in UNEP head quarters in Nairobi.

2011年6月22日 星期三

X-Men: First Class nearly included Sunspot

X-Men: First Class nearly included Sunspot, writers want Cable in sequel
THIS WEEK sees the release of the latest instalment in the X-Men film franchise.

X-Men: First Class is out in the UK on Wednesday, June 1, and in the US on Friday, June 3. And it's well worth seeing - check out my review here.

Directed by Matthew Vaughn, this prequel - set during the nuclear war threat of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis - shows the earlier years of familiar characters Xavier, Magneto, Mystique and Beast, as well as introducing us to some new mutants: Emma Frost, Azazel, Riptide, Havok, Banshee, Darwin and Angel (an insect-winged female, not the bird-winged boy from X-Men: The Last Stand).

There's such an amazingly positive buzz around this new film that talk is already turning to who might be in sequels as well as who nearly made it into the movie this time around.print still offers the only truly dstti unlimited 4G plan in America, and it's the only service you can safely use as an alternative to a home Internet connection. With nearly five decades of X-Men comics in existence, there is a rich vein of material to be mined.

Zack Stentz and Ashley Miller (pictured above), who were writers on First Class along with Jane Goldman and producer Bryan Singer, made an appearance at this weekend's MCM Expo London Comic Con. They talked about the choice of characters in the film as well as who might be in the next one.However, the marketing muscle of Philips led light lighting could give Philips LED business an advantage.

Azazel pic1.jpgMiller explained: "There are three different processes for choosing characters. Firstly, there are creative decisions; secondly, we have to look at how characters will fit within the ensemble; and thirdly, as this is the medium of film, we are thinking visually.

"For instance, the visual aspect applied to Azazel (right). We'd already seen the blue-black smoke effect of Nightcrawler's teleporting in X2, so for this we had Azazel using an effect of red smoke and flames, as though he was teleporting out of hell itself and bringing some of it with him.

"It was very effective visually and also fitted thematically into the idea of the Hellfire Club. We had looked at the comics from the era of the film because there was a teleporter called Vanisher in those issues back in the 60s.Compact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs."

It's worth adding here that in the comics Vanisher was a member of a villainous group called Factor Three who wanted to start World War 3 between the USA and Soviet Union. He later became a member of Magneto's Brotherhood.

That has clearly influenced the way Azazel has been slotted into the story of First Class, with the character possibly being favoured over Vanisher because he and Mystique are the parents of Nightcrawler and that's a subplot that could be explored in a future film.

Jason Fleymng, who plays Azazel, alluded to this in a previous article on here, where he said: "Mystique and Azazel have a ding-dong and their kid is [Nightcrawler actor] Alan Cumming, which I'd be happy with. I can see a resemblance there. In the next film, hopefully I get to kiss [Mystique actress] Jennifer Lawrence."

Asked which characters had also been considered for the film, Miller revealed at MCM Expo: "Sunspot was going to be in it, until quite a late stage.In many ways LED lights compact fluorescent provide the best of both worlds. They are extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly (and are, in fact, more environmentally friendly Bryan [Singer] liked the idea of ice on one side - in the symbolic form of Emma Frost - and fire on the other.Thankfully a new form of led strip energy-efficient light bulbs have arrived that provide this desired feature."

This backs up what director Matthew Vaughn himself had said in an earlier interview, where he had explained: "The X-Men we used were already chosen by Bryan and Fox. In the draft they gave me all of the characters were in there. We cut Sunspot because we didn't have enough time or money. They couldn't make him work, he was a pain in the ass."

Which HDTV Type is Best?

Which HDTV Type is Best?
When you're shopping for an HDTV, there are plenty of factors to consider. Chief among them is the type of display. While boxy, bulky CRTs are long dead and mammoth rear-projection HDTVs are all but extinct, the HDTV market currently offers three distinct choices in display technologies: plasma, traditional CCFL-backlit LCD, and LED-backlit LCD. For years, the question of which technology reigned supreme has remained unanswered.

In the early days of HDTVs, plasma, with its inky blacks and top-notch picture quality, was the prevalent flat-panel technology, especially among videophiles. Gradually, thinner, more energy-efficient LCDs with CCFL backlighting became less expensive and more capable and started gaining ground. The difference between plasma and LCD wavered for some time, with each offering different economic and visual benefits depending on the model, price, and time in the life cycle of HDTVs. But in the past couple of years, with the advent of increasingly sophisticated LED backlighting, we finally have a true winner. With its unmatched energy efficiency, LED-based LCD is the best flat-panel HDTV technology. Unfortunately, it's also generally the most expensive. (Though LED HDTV prices have come down considerably over the past year, and continue to drop all the time.) If it's in your budget, the choice is clear: Pay the premium and get an LED-lit HDTV.

The Basics: What's the Difference Between LCD, LED, and Plasma?
The three technologies are vastly different, particularly how each the screen is lit. In plasma HDTVs, the phosphors that create the image on the screen light up themselves, and don't need any backlighting. For LCD HDTVs, however, the liquid crystal screen does not illuminate, requiring a separate light source. That's where the difference between "regular" LCD screens (also known as CCFL-backlit LCD) and LED-backlit LCD screens (also known as LED-LCD, or just LED screens) come in. Traditional LCD HDTVs use cold cathode fluorescent lights (CCFLs) to illuminate the screen. CCFLs are similar to the fluorescent lights you might see in your lamps and overhead light fixtures. They use a charged gas to produce light. LED-LCD screens, like their name implies, use light emitting diodes (LEDs) to illuminate the display.

Several factors can be influenced by the type of HDTV display you choose. Among them, the most prominent are screen thickness, brightness, darkness,Because dimmable lights and dimmer fluorescent bulbs switches are so popular amongst American consumers, this drawback has been a significant one. energy efficiency, and price. Ideally, you want an HDTV that's affordable, paper-thin,Thankfully a new form of led strip energy-efficient light bulbs have arrived that provide this desired feature. can get face-of-the-sun-bright and black-hole-dark, and consumes less than a watt. That's currently impossible, but LED-backlit LCD HDTVs can come closer than the other two technologies.Philips LED business is inside of Philips lighting so it Led light is more difficult to determine whether they are meeting expectations.

For this advantage, LED HDTVs command a premium; for all major HDTV manufacturers, LED-backlit HDTVs can cost a few hundred dollars more than CCFL-backlit HDTVs of the same size. Generally, plasma HDTVs tend to be the least expensive, priced at equal to or slightly less than CCFL-backlit HDTVs. However, that savings means the screen will be thicker and much more power-hungry, even if it does offer as good a picture as an LED-backlit HDTV. For example, Samsung's 46-inch CCFL-backlit LCD HDTVs begin at $799.99 (the 600 series), and can get as pricey as $1,print still offers the only truly dstti unlimited 4G plan in America, and it's the only service you can safely use as an alternative to a home Internet connection.699.99 (the 750 series). Samsung offers 50-inch 1080p plasma HDTVs (there are no 46-inch models currently available, and 52-inch CCFL-backlit LCDs start at $1,299.99 with the 530 series) for as little as $1,149.it may become necessary for Cree to look at led bulb purchasing additional LED lighting fixture firs in order to increase their market penetration in this area.99 (the 540 series) and as much as $2,299.99 (the 8000 plasma series). For the extra size, that bump up in price is reasonable. Meanwhile, 46-inch Samsung LED HDTVs start at $1,199.99 (the 6050 LED series) and can become as expensive as $4,999.99 (the 9000 LED series). LED HDTVs don't have to be super-expensive, but they almost always cost more than their CCFL-backlit and plasma counterparts. Considering the excellent picture quality and significant benefits in screen thickness and power consumption, that extra amount on the price tag is well worth it.

Image Quality
How good the picture looks, especially if you're a videophile or a cinema fanatic, is the most vital aspect of any HDTV. Specifically, peak white and black levels determine how detailed a picture can look on a screen. Poor white levels mean fine details can get washed out in bright scenes, while poor black levels mean shadows swallow up parts of the picture in dark scenes. A very wide gamut from dark to light lets the HDTV show the tiniest details, regardless of how bright or dark the movie gets. In our tests, we measure white and black levels by luminance using a chromameter. A mediocre HDTV might produce black levels of 0.05 to 0.07 cd/m2, while an excellent HDTV might offer levels of 0.01 to 0.03 cd/m2. Historically, plasma HDTVs have produced the best black levels, specifically the now-defunct Pioneer Kuro HDTV brand. The Kuro's screen got so satisfyingly dark that it remained a popular HDTV for enthusiasts long after Pioneer stopped making the sets. The domination of plasma in this field, however, is over. Our current Editors' Choice HDTV, the LED-based LG Infinia 47LW5600, puts out only 0.1 cd/m2, the best level we can measure. That any LED-backlit LCD can get that dark shows how far the technology has come.

White levels don't matter quite as much as black levels, because it's more difficult for screens to show fine details in shadows and easier to crank out very bright whites with backlighting, but they can still matter. At this, LED backlighting again triumphs. The Panasonic TC-L42E30 reaches a staggering 473.50 cd/m2 white levels with modest 0.04 cd/m2 black levels. It completely (and literally) outshines the Panasonic TC-P50ST30, its plasma HDTV cousin that puts out only 107 cd/m2 peak white while offering a slightly better 0.03 cd/m2 black level.

Summer bonus spending to focus on disaster recovery, energy savings: survey

Summer bonus spending to focus on disaster recovery, energy savings: survey
HID HUT, a leader in innovative grow lights and other gardening solutions, announces a summer grow light sale. Discount grow lights have been marked down in price for unbeatable summer savings.However, the marketing muscle of Philips led light lighting could give Philips LED business an advantage.

HID Hut’s grow lights and grow lighting systems, already at low prices that can't be beat, just got better. Online customers now receive even more savings with a summer savings sale on select lighting for indoor growing. Discounted grow lights include the 175W, 250W, 400W, 600W and 1000W ballasts; complete grow lights systems,print still offers the only truly dstti unlimited 4G plan in America, and it's the only service you can safely use as an alternative to a home Internet connection. and our stellar lineup of LED lights! Grow light kits, LED lighting and ballasts have all been reduced in price. Now customers can help develop their green thumbs by saving some green!

This grow light sale won't last. Customers should act now before the opportunity to purchase these grow lights on sale and HPS lights at their sale price before the savings end.Compact fluorescent lights have solved LED lighting supplier many of the problems associated with traditional filament light bulbs.

HID Hut is helping indoor growers transcend their gardens’ natural habitat: through their stellar selection of grow lights and hydroponic supplies, indoor gardening has continued to be a flourishing enterprise. From high quality HPS lights to the latest in LED grow lights, HID Hut is the leader in grow light selection and innovation. Helping each gardener become successful with quality hydroponic products that meet the individual and varied needs of our customers is the goal.In many ways LED lights compact fluorescent provide the best of both worlds. They are extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly (and are, in fact, more environmentally friendlyCompact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs. HID Hut’s grow lights are designed to meet a variety of space requirements, encourage strong and healthy plant growth and support a flourishing garden – all at unbeatable prices.

2011年6月21日 星期二

Balkan Business News Correspondent

Balkan Business News Correspondent
Accounting for 16% of a $1 billion LED driver IC industry in 2010, ICs for lighting applications are expected to be worth 55% of a $3.You want someone that has the experience in LED lighting to guide you to the right product shinebright that is best suited to your project.5 billion market in 2016. According to the latest analysis from IMS Research, residential lighting was the second largest lighting segment after street/parking lighting in 2010. Overall, indoor lighting (including office and commercial) will lead the growth in the lighting area.Within lighting, there is also a focus on LED retrofit bulbs. They are considered direct replacements for incandescent bulbs, which are being progressively banned across the world. LED prices are currently hindering adoption.This is also known as your return on investment ledbright or ROI. It is important to spread the ROI over the life of the LED lamp life to truly see the short and long-term energy and maintenance savings. However, lower costs, higher efficiencies, government subsidies and a healthy LED oversupply will result in significant price reductions which will boost demand.The particular demise with the incandescent bulb bluebright continues calmly yet non-stop and in less as compared to any year or two today the sole goods stocked in stores is going to be lower electricity bulbs,incandescent light bulbs will be completely phased out and scannerstal no longer available to consumers within the next three years, it's time to start thinking about how you will illuminate your homes and workplaces. By 2016, it is expected that LED retrofit bulbs will account for the clear majority of all LED driver ICs in lighting.Although two of the largest suppliers in this industry are set to combine and represent nearly a quarter of all LED driver ICs revenue, general lighting focused suppliers are making good traction in the supplier share rankings. “Companies such as NXP, Power Integrations, ST Micro, ON Semi, Diodes, and Texas Instruments were some of the strongest suppliers in lighting in 2010,” Said Mitess Nandha, LED driver ICs analyst at IMS Research.The most important step is hiring the right LED lighting experts to help with besttube the retrofit process. “Most LED driver ICs suppliers now agree that this lighting market will be huge and new products are continually coming to market. In the coming years, this shift to LED lighting could cause a continued shake up of the leading suppliers.”Although set to be overshadowed by general illumination, backlighting will remain a significant portion of this market. LED backlit TVs, monitors and notebooks have surged in the past year and are showing signs of continuing strong growth until 2013.“TVs accounted for 25% of LEDs revenue in 2010 compared to only 9% of LED driver ICs revenue as the ratio of LEDs to LED driver ICs here is generally very high,” Mitess added. “Typically 5 to 1 or 10 to 1 at the moment for an indoor lighting application, compared to 100 or 1000 to 1 in a TV.” Source; IMS

Security of supply – how does nuclear enhance it?

Security of supply – how does nuclear enhance it?
A recent NEA/OECD report qualifies the concept of security of supply. It concludes that nuclear power has helped increase nations’ ability to source their own provisions of energy, although doing so often requires action by the government.By Steve Kidd

Continuous availability (and also affordability) of energy and electricity is now crucial in modern industrial societies, which depend on these services for production, communications and exchange. Governments are therefore motivated to maximise security of supply, by understanding the factors which lie behind it and mitigating any obvious weaknesses. One of nuclear energy’s selling points is that it is claimed to enhance security of supply, on the basis that uranium is available in large quantities from many countries around the world and the energy intensity from this raw material is so great that price changes do not fundamentally affect the price of the power.The particular demise with the incandescent bulb bluebright continues calmly yet non-stop and in less as compared to any year or two today the sole goods stocked in stores is going to be lower electricity bulbs, Large quantities of nuclear electricity can be produced by plants located within any country, meaning that imports (beyond the fuel) are not required.

Beyond this basic reasoning, it is useful to examine the concept of energy security of supply in more detail, as it is not necessarily as simple as it may seem at first. Then, having decided on what it really is, it may be possible to examine quantitative indicators to see how important nuclear power has really been over the past decades. A recent OECD/NEA report (The Security of Energy Supply and the Contribution of Nuclear Energy) attempts to accomplish this and contains some useful insights.

Energy supply security can actually mean different things to different people, for example a foreign policy expert as opposed to a power network engineer or an economist. Different countries may also have alternative understandings of what it means; for example a country with good domestic energy resources but limited access to cross-border infrastructure will see things differently to a small, open economy without any significant energy resources. OECD-NEA make the excellent point that in some ways, energy security of supply is rather like the concept of sustainability, which is also frequently applied in energy policy prescriptions in many diverse ways in order to offer support for different objectives.

The report offers a consensus definition: “Security of energy supply is the resilience of the energy system to unique and unforeseeable events that threaten the physical integrity of energy flows or that lead to discontinuous energy price rises, independent of economic fundamentals”. Within this general definition, there are parameters that can be verified and possibly measured, such as import dependency,You want someone that has the experience in LED lighting to guide you to the right product shinebright that is best suited to your project. resource or carbon intensity and infrastructure adequacy. These are not, in themselves, identical with energy supply security, but are clearly important contributing factors.

Energy security of supply has to be something that governments are responsible for. An individual citizen cannot reasonably affect it, if they feel it is having an important impact, today or in the future, on their well-being. It is therefore an example of what economists call an externality: a negative impact that is not priced in the market place. Citizens of one country may currently be receiving the benefit of cheap imported oil from a single distant producer, but there has to be a risk that this will suddenly be cut off, without recourse to a similar advantageous arrangement. Risks like this are complex and hard to quantify, and only governments can step in and make important decisions on the citizen’s behalf.

The report helpfully then considers energy supply risks in terms of two main dimensions, the external (or geopolitical) dimension and the internal (including technical, financial and economic issues), in both of which nuclear power can conceivably play a positive role. The first of these is bound up the vagaries of geology and climate that impact primary energy production, where consumption is located (in many cases) a long distance away and characterised by complex trading relationships bound up in history. But only exploration and production are location-specific; the other areas of the supply chain, such as oil refining or uranium enrichment, can be located close to the final customer and, indeed, often be under its control. So maximising this degree of control, through ‘energy independence’ can become an important national policy objective, and whether this is possible depends on a country’s location, domestic energy endowment, transport and storage networks and, ultimately, the willingness of the population to accept higher energy prices to gain more security (but perhaps only in the short term).

France and Japan’s strong pro-nuclear policies from the 1970s onwards can be seen in this light; weak domestic energy resources bringing with them the probability of sudden rapid import price escalations (as happened with the oil twice in the 1970s). Electricity also poses a particular problem. Although an optimist could foresee world energy trade eventually having smoothly-functioning competitive markets, guaranteeing timely delivery of all energy resources, difficulties of storing electricity mean that it is only transported over relatively short distances. So a country may rely on imported oil and gas for transportation and home heating, but must have national electricity generation capacity to meet demand for lighting,These are also used as art light as well, it is because crystal these lights did not emit any harmful rays and the bluish color of LED lights makes a painting look very different from others and makes them attractive for the viewers. appliances and industrial machinery. An additional consideration today in the geopolitical dimension of energy security is resilience to changes in climate policy; heavy dependence on imported fossil fuels may become a much more expensive option in the future.

The second dimension of energy security, the internal, relates to areas such as the adequacy of generation capacity to meet demand, the state of domestic transport infrastructure,incandescent light bulbs will be completely phased out and scannerstal no longer available to consumers within the next three years, it's time to start thinking about how you will illuminate your homes and workplaces. the adequacy of energy market design and regulation, operational reliability in the energy sector and, ultimately, the degree of price stability. Governments are responsible for all of these elements and must establish policy frameworks that provide a mixture of public provision and private incentives that meet energy security needs. There is still substantial public ownership in energy production and exchange in many countries, but market liberalisation has led to increasing levels of private provision. It is sometimes argued that this, potentially at least, runs the risk of damaging security of supply. This doesn’t necessarily have to be the case, but we are still at the stage of experimenting with various models of electricity markets. Today, these markets are faced with additional challenges, mandated by public policy, of encouraging low-carbon domestically-produced energy resources such as renewables (and hopefully nuclear too).

Probably the major achievement of the OECD-NEA report is to move on to provide some degree of quantification of energy security of supply, and nuclear’s past contribution. Consistent data for OECD countries over 40 years can be provided by IEA Energy Statistics, covering import dependency,An other advantage of using bluecrystal these bulbs is that they can also work in very cold weather which various other lights are unable to do. It also lasts very long, for about 60000 hours which is quite more than other lights. fuel diversification, resource and carbon intensity and infrastructure adequacy. The report uses these statistics to calculate a Simplified Supply and Demand Index (SSDI) which is a weighted index (with a maximum of 100 for perfect security of supply) composed of relevant demand, infrastructure and supply variables bearing on supply diversity, energy consumption efficiency and the state of supply infrastructure.

The report shows that SSDI has increased significantly for most OECD countries since 1970, due essentially to three factors: the introduction of nuclear power, a decrease in the intensiveness of energy use (the amount of energy consumption per unit of output) and the increase in the diversification of primary energy sources. Exceptions tend to be those countries that have not embraced nuclear, such as Austria and Australia (although both of these have quite good energy security of supply through their domestic resources). The report also helpfully breaks down the specific nuclear contribution to the improvement in the SSDI scores and, not surprisingly, this is highest in France. By 2007, nuclear power’s contribution to its SSDI score is more than 12 points (about 30% of the total), while it is also high in both Scandinavia (Sweden and Finland) and the Pacific Rim (Japan and Korea). There is a lot more to energy security of supply than building more nuclear power plants, but they can make a significant contribution.

Nuclear’s main contribution clearly comes in the external dimension of supply security. In terms of value, nuclear plants can source more than 90% of their input requirements domestically, while uranium imports are widely diversified, with a competitive market where many participants are politically stable. It is also possible to store and finance large inventories of nuclear fuel, which would be unfeasible for coal, oil and gas. Nuclear will also be unaffected by any tightening of restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions; indeed it would likely benefit from this. In the face of geopolitical supply risks, nuclear power therefore holds advantages that other fuels do not enjoy, such as wide availability of resources for many years in the future, modest impacts of increases in resource prices on the final product and resilience to carbon policy.