2011年5月31日 星期二

CFL Distribution comes to an end

CFL Distribution comes to an end
The Ministry of the Environment wants the public to be aware that the Compact Florescent Lamp (CFL) Program came to a close. The government program was designed to lower the energy demand on the Bahamas Electricity Corporation (BEC).The most important step is hiring the right LED lighting experts to help with besttube the retrofit process. A lower demand on electricity translates into fewer blackouts from BEC and less greenhouse gases being produced by BEC and released into the atmosphere.The retrofit process itself can range from a simple count of existing lamps to a brightshine very detailed energy survey, which includes collecting information from your existing lighting, This is how the individual Bahamian can help to save The Bahamas and the global environment. The government is encouraging all Bahamians to make the responsible switch to CFLs because residential lighting contributes to 20 percent of an individual's energy consumption. The CFLs save money by drawing about 75 percent less power than a regular bulb. On May 28,These are also used as art light as well, it is because crystal these lights did not emit any harmful rays and the bluish color of LED lights makes a painting look very different from others and makes them attractive for the viewers. the CFL lamp giveaway ended as a part of the government's plan to reduce the intensity of energy consumption through the measures provided in the National Energy Policy. Qualified persons appeared to exchange their incandescent bulbs and collect the CFLs at the designated locations. The government has decided to give the remaining bulbs to BEC customers that can produce a past bill that proves their household consumption is 600 KiloWatts. They will also accept the equivalent monthly average payment of $200 per month to meet the program's requirements. CFL lamps are energy saving bulbs that harness energy into a constant flow of light. They are set to replace the popular and inexpensive incandescent bulbs, which turn energy into heat entropy. It has been proven that the heat these bulbs generate wastes electricity and causes the consumer to spend more on air-conditioning to cool the room that the light is being burned in.This is also known as your return on investment ledbright or ROI. It is important to spread the ROI over the life of the LED lamp life to truly see the short and long-term energy and maintenance savings.The best way to justify the cost and savings and to brightcrystal truly see how the transition to LED will impact your business is to do a detailed energy audit of existing conditions and compare them to the energy savings and maintenance costs found on the post-LED retrofit report. The Inter-Developmental Bank (IDB) has spent $4 million to fund the promotion of the government's energy-saving program.

For further information, members of the public are asked to contact the BEST Commission in the Ministry of the Environment.

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Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych met with U.S. President Barack Obama on the sidelines of the 17th Summit of Central European countries in Warsaw on Friday.

"Viktor Yanukovych in Warsaw attended a working dinner hosted by President of Poland Bronislaw Komorowski in honor of the heads of states participants of the 17th Summit of Central European countries. The event was also attended by a special guest - U.S. President Barack Obama. Before the dinner, the presidents of Ukraine and the U.S. warmly greeted each other and had a short conversation," the press service of the Ukrainian head of state reported.

The press service hasn't disclosed any detailes of the conversation between the two presidents.

Kyiv, May 30 (Interfax-Ukraine) - Ukraine is interested in implementing specific projects in the framework of the EU Eastern Partnership initiative, Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovych said on Friday at the 7th summit of heads Central European states in Warsaw, Poland.

"We hope that the second Eastern Partnership Summit, which our Polish friends will hold in September, will have tangible practical results. We still have time to work on this," the president said.

According to the presidential press service, Yanukovych also stressed that Ukraine is open to active cooperation with all interested partners in the frames of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region and noted that on its path to European integration and democracy Ukraine feels solidarity and support of neighbors and partners from Central Europe. "We are deeply grateful for this assistance," the president said, expressing particular gratitude to Poland.

Kyiv, May 30 (Interfax-Ukraine) - Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov thinks it unnecessary to switch to barter deals in settlements with Belarus.

"I see absolutely no grounds [for that] because we have no problems with the settlements with Belarus. There is a number of critical areas, such as currency, but Belarus is rather accurate in the fulfillment of its foreign commitments. All the deliveries done in foreign economic relations and all the contracts are paid for," the Ukrainian premier said at the opening ceremony of the reconstructed children's hospital No1 in Obolon district in Kyiv on Monday.

"There is no question of barter," he said.

"As far as I know, Belarus has a sufficient amount of hard currency, which supports foreign economic contacts," the premier said.

The Belarusian situation is a lesson for the Ukrainian government, he said. "Naturally, we bear that in mind," he said.

Ukraine must take the Belarusian situation with understanding, Azarov said. "As people, we feel sorry for fraternal Belarus," he said.

Kyiv, May 30 (Interfax-Ukraine) - Ukrainian First Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Trade Andriy Kliuyev has said that the first and main stage of work on the deregulation of the economy will be completed by the end of the current year.

The government does not plan to stop and will insistently work to ease the conditions for doing business in Ukraine, reads an article by Kliuyev published in the Dzerkalo Tyzhnia Ukraine newspaper.

"I'm sure that there are a few countries in the world that could carry out such a huge normative and legislative work to ease doing business over such a short period of time. Hundreds of normative and legal acts were amended and approved in one year," the vice premier said.

According to him, significant measures were taken to simplify the licensing system.

"It is important that we introduced the declarative principle for carrying out a range of business activities. The number of licensing documents was decreased by almost two times. Earlier there were over 200 [licensing documents],Although police doesn't like it very much but one thing is certain, that your car will certainly stand out from the rest lightonsale vehicles on the road You don't have to make something "hardcore". and at present there are 134. For example, people don't need to obtain permits for the construction of temporary buildings and facilities that are not dangerous to people's lives. This category includes small offices, shops, cafes, restaurants, and workshops. Thus,This is also known as your return on investment ledbright or ROI. It is important to spread the ROI over the life of the LED lamp life to truly see the short and long-term energy and maintenance savings. all of this concerns small businesses," Kliuyev said.

In addition the first vice premier said that the licensing of 90% types of work (2,046 out of 2,268) and 30% types of activity (23 out of 78) were canceled.

Kyiv,incandescent light bulbs will be completely phased out and scannerstal no longer available to consumers within the next three years, it's time to start thinking about how you will illuminate your homes and workplaces. May 30 (Interfax-Ukraine) - Ukrainian First Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Trade Andriy Kliuyev has said that the only chance to ensure the full development of Ukraine is to modernize the economy.

The key to modernization is investment, and that is why currently the most important priority is ensuring a radical improvement in the investment climate, reads an article by Kliuyev published in the Dzerkalo Tyzhnia Ukraine newspaper.

"I will note that at present all leading states are in a tough fight for investment flows [and] directing them to their economies," the vice premier said.

According to him,The particular demise with the incandescent bulb bluebright continues calmly yet non-stop and in less as compared to any year or two today the sole goods stocked in stores is going to be lower electricity bulbs, investing in Ukraine must become more convenient than in its closest competitors, so that Ukraine could also effectively join this process.

"For this purpose the government has started serious reforms - deregulation, the fight against corruption, the modernization of infrastructure, the development of financial market and others," Kliuyev said.

The first vice premier also said it was an important task to attract resources for the development of priority sectors.

According to him, it is extremely important to ensure the growth of high-tech manufactures, which will raise the general competitiveness of Ukraine's economy.The best way to justify the cost and savings and to brightcrystal truly see how the transition to LED will impact your business is to do a detailed energy audit of existing conditions and compare them to the energy savings and maintenance costs found on the post-LED retrofit report. The notions of intelligence and innovation must really become the basis of the modern Ukrainian economy, the first vice premier said.

In addition, Kliuyev said that the growth in the energy efficiency of the economy and state staff policy are top priorities.

"Currently, there has never before been such a need for highly qualified state managers able to fulfill the presidential orders well and within the time limit. That's why a strict staff policy must stop the delay in reforms at all levels," Kliuyev said in his article.

Chameleon Magnets Could Revolutionize Computing

Chameleon Magnets Could Revolutionize Computing
What causes a magnet to be a magnet, and how can we control a magnet's behavior? These are the questions that University at Buffalo researcher Igor Zutic, a theoretical physicist, has been exploring over many years.

He is one of many scientists who believe that magnets could revolutionize computing, forming the basis of high-capacity and low-energy memory, data storage and data transfer devices.

Today, in a commentary in Science, Zutic and fellow UB physicist John Cerne, who studies magnetism experimentally, discuss an exciting advancement: A study by Japanese scientists showing that it is possible to turn a material's magnetism on and off at room temperature. A material's magnetism is determined by a property all electrons possess: something called "spin." Electrons can have an "up" or "down" spin, and a material is magnetic when most of its electrons possess the same spin.The retrofit process itself can range from a simple count of existing lamps to a brightshine very detailed energy survey, which includes collecting information from your existing lighting, Individual spins are akin to tiny bar magnets, which have north and south poles.

In the Japanese study,Many people see through their car an easy and comfy way to lightsale go to work, to travel etc. We are talking about transportation and nothing more. Facilities such as a good stereo sound system, climate control and a coffee mug holder are just some things to make driving life easier and much more fun. which also appears in the current issue of Science, a team led by researchers at Tohoku University added cobalt to titanium dioxide, a nonmagnetic semiconductor, to create a new material that, like a chameleon, can transform from a paramagnet (a nonmagnetic material) to a ferromagnet (a magnetic material) at room temperature.

To achieve change, the researchers applied an electric voltage to the material, exposing the material to extra electrons.These are also used as art light as well, it is because crystal these lights did not emit any harmful rays and the bluish color of LED lights makes a painting look very different from others and makes them attractive for the viewers. As Zutic and Cerne explain in their commentary, these additional electrons -- called "carriers" -- are mobile and convey information between fixed cobalt ions that causes the spins of the cobalt electrons to align in one direction.

In an interview, Zutic calls the ability to switch a magnet "on" or "off" revolutionary. He explains the promise of magnet- or spin-based computing technology -- called "spintronics" -- by contrasting it with conventional electronics.

Modern, electronic gadgets record and read data as a blueprint of ones and zeros that are represented, in circuits, by the presence or absence of electrons. Processing information requires moving electrons, which consumes energy and produces heat.

Spintronic gadgets, in contrast, store and process data by exploiting electrons' "up" and "down" spins, which can stand for the ones and zeros devices read.It pays to go to professionals with bestlight a proven track record in LED lighting, a vast selection of excellent quality products from various vendors that live up to their label, and a history of successfully completed projects. Future energy-saving improvements in data processing could include devices that process information by "flipping" spin instead of shuttling electrons around.

In their Science commentary, Zutic and Cerne write that chameleon magnets could "help us make more versatile transistors and bring us closer to the seamless integration of memory and logic by providing smart hardware that can be dynamically reprogrammed for optimal performance of a specific task.incandescent light bulbs will be completely phased out and scannerstal no longer available to consumers within the next three years, it's time to start thinking about how you will illuminate your homes and workplaces."

"Large applied magnetic fields can enforce the spin alignment in semiconductor transistors," they write. "With chameleon magnets, such alignment would be tunable and would require no magnetic field and could revolutionize the role ferromagnets play in technology."

In an interview, Zutic says that applying an electric voltage to a semiconductor injected with cobalt or other magnetic impurities may be just one way of creating a chameleon magnet.

Applying heat or light to such a material could have a similar effect, freeing electrons that can then convey information about spin alignment between ions, he says.

The so-far elusive heat-based chameleon magnets were first proposed by Zutic in 2002. With his colleagues, Andre Petukhov of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, and Steven Erwin of the Naval Research Laboratory, he elucidated the behavior of such magnets in a 2007 paper.

The concept of nonmagnetic materials becoming magnetic as they heat up is counterintuitive, Zutic says. Scientists had long assumed that orderly, magnetic materials would lose their neat, spin alignments when heated -- just as orderly, crystalline ice melts into disorderly water as temperatures rise.

The carrier electrons, however, are the key. Because heating a material introduces additional carriers that can cause nearby electrons to adopt aligned spins, heating chameleon materials -- up to a certain temperature -- should actually cause them to become magnetic, Zutic explains. His research on magnetism is funded by the Department of Energy, Office of Naval Research, Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the National Science Foundation.

The University at Buffalo is a premier research-intensive public university, a flagship institution in the State University of New York system and its largest and most comprehensive campus. UB's more than 28,000 students pursue their academic interests through more than 300 undergraduate, graduate and professional degree programs. Founded in 1846, the University at Buffalo is a member of the Association of American Universities.

2011年5月30日 星期一

Stylish compact crossover comes very well-armed to fight for its turf

Stylish compact crossover comes very well-armed to fight for its turf
Hyundai'sstylish compact crossover is smack dab in the middle of a turf war for its market share. Its category offers some of the most useful vehicles,loaded with creature comforts, that can easily fit into tight urban parking spots and deliver good fuel mileage.While using compact fluorescent light bulbs energy saving light helps conserve energy, it is important that the bulbs are collected and recycled properly to protect our environmentCompact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs.

Looking at the Tucson and its competitors,there'snot a lame one in the bunch, so it comes down to personal preferences. It's about style, and the Tucson has plenty of that. The bronze beauty we had for the week was the top-of-theline Tucson Limited AWD with Navigation or Tucson LNV for short.


I really liked the freshened exterior design of the 2011 Tucson and learned that its European good looks are due to its styling being done in Frankfurt, Germany. Why it's named after the city of Tucson, Ariz., I have no idea. There is nothing southwestern about it, nor its larger siblings,the Santa Fe or Veracruz.

The Tucson has a pair of very feline inspired headlights that frame the new signature hexagonal grille opening. A pair of projector-type driving/fog lights mimic the headlights and rest outside the larger lower grille. The black under-tray and lower door panels give it a definite off-road attitude, although it's not a hardcore puddlejumper even with the AWD.

The side profile reveals an upswept flow from front to rear and side windows that end in a point with the rising fender line and sloping roof line. The Tucson Limited AWD comes with 18-inch aluminum alloy wheels with 225/55R18 tires,but with the high ride height and upwards styling cues,the Tucson looks under-tired. Imagine larger wheel-wells filled with 20 or 22-inch rims!

The rear end is not groundbreaking but completes the CUV styling very cleanly with LED tail lights that mimic the headlights in their shape. A discreet rear spoiler tops off the rear window.

The interiors of Hyundai vehicles have evolved dramatically from un-restrained show-car madness into modern art installations with creative uses of materials and lighting. Facing what Hyundai calls their "X-design dashboard" you'll notice the new steering wheel, leather wrapped and loaded with controls for the radio and cruise control. The gauges behind the wheel are colourful and easy to read in all situations. That can't be said for the 6.5-inch highresolution LCD system at the top of the centre console. The touch screen can get washed out by bright sunlight at certain angles and like all touch screens, fingerprints and smudges are sometimes very noticeable. The display also shows what's behind you with the rear-view camera for added safety when backing up (standard on the Limited with Navigation Package).

The heating and AC controls are thankfully simple as are the stereo controls.

I found the optional leather in the Limited model to be very firm and rather flat but over extended drives they weren't uncomfortable. Just don't expect very soft cushions like most North American vehicles.

The Tucson Limited comes with a very large, two-panel "panoramic" sunroof that brightens up the abundance of black materials used in the cabin.


The Tucson is aimed at maximum utility with reasonable fuel mileage and comes with a standard 2.0-litre (165 horsepower) or 2.4 L(176 hp) four-cylinder engine. The engines are mated to a five-speed manual transmission (standard on L) or an optional six-speed automatic with Shiftronic semi-manual shifting. Our Limited came with the 2.4 L I4 DOHC with Dual Continuously Variable Valve Timing engine and the six-speed automatic transmission. The all-wheel drive is always on duty and locking the differential is as simple as turning a knob on the dash, giving the Tucson up to a 50/50 split of power to the front and rear wheels. The power of the 2.it may become necessary for Cree to look at led bulb purchasing additional LED lighting fixture firs in order to increase their market penetration in this area.4 L engine is politely adequate, but you'll never lose your hat under hard acceleration. A 200 hp rating would transform the Tucson, especially when loaded with passengers and their luggage.

Universal Instruments relocates European office to better serve its customers

Universal Instruments relocates European office to better serve its customers
In a continuing effort to better serve its expanding customer base, and distributor and representative structure across Europe, Universal Instruments announces the relocation of its European Headquarters to Bratislava, Slovakia. The new office provides a more centrally located site, and a more efficient means of providing service and support for a range of customers across the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, Romania and Bulgaria.

The new office will also provide a higher level of technical support and improved access to the customer order center (COC) for Universal’s 16 representatives/distributors and other customers across Europe. In addition, it will feature a "Demo Room" to accommodate product demonstrations and training classes. In the coming months, Universal will be hosting an Open House to formally introduce the new facilities.

"The decision to relocate the European headquarters of Universal Instruments was prompted by our belief that Europe represents a fertile and important market for Universal's products and solutions,” comments Brad Bennett, Universal’s Vice President of Sales. “Offerings in through hole, surface mount and Universal's ability to formulate robust and comprehensive solutions from our equipment and process technology building blocks gives us an attractive value proposition around which to focus our resources and effort to substantially boost our presence in Europe."

Universal’s Vice President of Marketing, Debbora Ahlgren,While using compact fluorescent light bulbs energy saving light helps conserve energy, it is important that the bulbs are collected and recycled properly to protect our environment further expands on the move, “Europe has led the world in green technologies and is a leader in automotive electronics technologies. Each of these two areas is growing rapidly and the customer base is calling upon Universal to bring integrated solutions to market. Partnering with our network of 16 representatives/distributors, in addition to our direct and dedicated European sales channels, we are confident that we can grow our business substantially while contributing to the growth of the region itself.”

Additional Information:
In response to increased customer demand,it may become necessary for Cree to look at led bulb purchasing additional LED lighting fixture firs in order to increase their market penetration in this area. the new office will feature a customer demonstration and training center. From this Center, equipped with state of the art insertion and surface mount equipment, we will assist customers in achieving the best possible automation solutions for applications to include engine and climate control for electronic and traditional vehicles, electronics assemblies for consumer white goods manufacturing, and advanced electronics manufacturing to include set top box, LCD TV and LED lighting products. In addition, the new office will provide training facilities through which Universal Instruments will address the burgeoning requirements of our customers for operator and maintenance training.

About Bratislava:
Bratislava – the capital city of Slovak Republic – is one of Europe’s oldest cities and yet – since 1993 – still one of the youngest European capitals. It is the world’s only capital whose territory adjoins two neighboring countries and, at a distance of only 60 kilometers from Vienna, it is one of the ‘twin cities’ – the continent’s two capitals situated most closely to each other. Today, Bratislava is one of the most rapidly growing urban regions of Europe, and a leading centre of the economy. While the service sector plays the most important role in urban Bratislava, industries such as mechanical engineering and electronics, and also the automotive industry are prominent in the region. As such, the area acts as a hub for the growth of these industries, with large companies establishing production facilities in the region, such as Volkswagen did in

Devínska Nová Ves in 1992. Other foreign national companies who have increased their investment in Europe from this regional center include IBM, Dell, Johnson Controls, Whirlpool, and DHL Logistics. The Bratislava region is the most prosperous part of Slovakia with a per-capita gross regional product that is about double the Slovak average and also above to the European average. Roughly one fourth of Slovakia’s economic resources are concentrated here.

In addition to its economic relevance, Bratislava features numerous historic monuments, a selection of internationally recognized festivals, as well as theatre performances,Compact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs. concerts and musicals. As a core of science and research, it is moreover home to four of the country’s biggest universities as well as the overwhelming majority of Slovak research institutions.

Greening the Film Business

Greening the Film Business
It's a vicious cycle in the film business. We use scads of energy to light our sets, usually trying to make them look as natural as possible, then we use scads of energy to cool them. If we can reduce the power required for lighting, we can save money two ways.

In the olden days of production, when I was starting out in the business, most movie lights (except for big arc lights) had tungsten or quartz lamps. These lamps employed a simple technology, like Edison's light bulb, pushing so much electric current though a thin wire filament that it glowed and gave off light—and heat. Tungsten is still the most mature, least expensive, hottest,While using compact fluorescent light bulbs energy saving light helps conserve energy, it is important that the bulbs are collected and recycled properly to protect our environment and least efficient lighting technology available.

Advances in green technology have brought energy-efficient fluorescent and HMI lights into film and video production for a couple of decades now. And over the past few years, professional lighting units using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have become an important part of the production world, using as little as 10% the power of conventional lights. But these new LED units are primarily broad light sources, difficult to control, and in many cases they throw multiple shadows when not diffused.

Last month at the NAB Show, I was heartened to see several manufacturers investing time and money into fresnel lights with LED lamps (see Arri lights above). Lights with fresnel lenses,Compact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs. originally invented for use in lighthouses, feature distinctive concentric-circle patterns in the glass. They have long been a mainstay of professional film lighting,it may become necessary for Cree to look at led bulb purchasing additional LED lighting fixture firs in order to increase their market penetration in this area. because of their controllability and flexibility (their beam angle can be adjusted from a concentrated "spot" to a wider "flood" setting), and for their consistent intensity across the width of the beam of light.

I found it difficult to assess the performance of the LED fresnel lights at the Show, given their positions among many light sources in the various booths. The Arri lights seemed to throw an even pattern, from what I could tell on a wall 20 feet away. The Lite Panels booth had too many sources mixing together to assess any one of them critically, but I did manage to cast some hand shadows with the DeSisti lights, and I was not impressed by the multiple shadows I saw. And it was impossible to evaluate color at all.

LED Advertsing – The Benefits Of Neon Signs

LED Advertsing – The Benefits Of Neon Signs
You may consider the process of choosing the type of sign you need to use for your business will be very confusing and overwhelming as well. If you start searching you can see that the affordable option you have is the LED signs and Neon signs. You will only determine the best sign for you if you will know each sign that you may have.

Speaking To Customers Is One of the Uses of Neon Business Sign

In all directions the neon sign will look so bright – You will surely attract a lot of customers and clients to your business. You’ll show your selling skills in the sign that you chose to put on your door.While using compact fluorescent light bulbs energy saving light helps conserve energy, it is important that the bulbs are collected and recycled properly to protect our environmentYou should first look at all sides of the sign if it looks attractive then you may add some effect if you want to and then you can get the attention you need.

If you want a customized neon sign then you can ask for it and also if you want just the common words you may do so. Whatever design that you want for your neon sign can be done. It is better to have a bright signs shaped logo than to have some flyers.That 3G test in Grand Central further confirmed these results. Reception r4 販売 was low on both modems, but the U600 manage to squeak past the 250U

The Neon signs are much affordable than the LED signs.If the problem you have is regarding the price then you should have the neon sign because it can offer you a wide variety of options to meet your budget.

You’ll have the competitive price that you want with the LED lighting and that is also one way to have the right decision. If you want your business to grow then you can have the neon sign.

You’ll have the best look to have your business very popular.The style of retro is coming back.While many consumers have switched from Led down light traditional filament light bulbs to compact fluorescent light bulbs, And neon is the way to have it in the advertising industry. LED signs are very different to the neon lights. If you want to have an appealing look then you can try to have this nostalgic look. You can not have the same advantage with both LED and neon.

Neon sign is the best sign for you. This is the most attractive sign during rainy nights. Also if you want to have the customer that is not sure where to go.

This sign is warm and very inviting. This is the best traditional sign for your business. Neon sign is very universal.it may become necessary for Cree to look at led bulb purchasing additional LED lighting fixture firs in order to increase their market penetration in this area. If you try to look at the key differences between Neon and LED signs then that can be better to think of a way that is best for your business.Compact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs.

What more do you want? Have the sign you need and then put it on your business’s door.

You will have a lot of impact with the neon signs and then that can help you have a successful profit on your business. Start having a lot of customers!

Interested to learn about custom made neon signs? If that’s the case better go through custom made neon signs right now.

2011年5月29日 星期日

How many 'Droids does it take to light up the house?

How many 'Droids does it take to light up the house?
Only one, according to Google.

The search engine powerhouse, in partnership with the Lighting Science Group, announced that it has come up with the first ever Android-powered LED light bulb as part of its Android @ Home application.

Described as the “intelligent LED light bulb” by its creators, the 60-watt bulb can be connected to a homeowner’s Wi-Fi network and can be turned on or off, dimmed or brightened with the use of any Android-based smartphone or tablet.

Apart from that, the light bulb can also be equipped to connect with the GPS function on one’s Android smartphone. With this feature, the LED light bulb will be able to detect whether or not the user is in the room (as long, of course, as said user has the phone on their person),While SmartView has been slow DSTT and unstable in the past, it seems to have improved greatly with recent updates. and will turn the light bulb on or off as needed.Compact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs.

A report at Smart Planet reveals that although Google has always cornered the market in home networking, “this is the first time it has addressed a specific appliance in the home.”

They also believe that Google is slowly trying to cut into the market of networked-lighting applications more popular with its rival companies, such as Microsoft.

Set to drop in stores across North America this Because dimmable lights and dimmer fluorescent bulbs switches are so popular amongst American consumers, this drawback has been a significant one.fall, Google promises that the LED light bulb will be “competitively-priced and supremely energy efficient.Thankfully a new form of led strip energy-efficient light bulbs have arrived that provide this desired feature.”

Google’s partner, thesale of LED for lighting applications.  Semileds is led lights only a minor palyer and should currently not be mentioned in the same breath as the other others Lighting Science Group is a leading LED manufacturer based in Florida.

The company is also very tech-savvy as it also recently partnered with Amazon.com to produce an “affordable, 40-watt equivalent LED,” reported Matt Hickman, a blogger at Mother Nature Network.

The company was also recently given the moniker, “Champion of Change,” for its contributions in the green technology movement.

Google is set to unveil the light bulb at the Philadelphia Lightfair trade show set to start next week.

Time to flip the switch on light bulb choices

Time to flip the switch on light bulb choices
Around the world the question of how we respond to climate change is a controversial topic.

Much of the debate is focused around economy-wide measures and international agreements like those discussed at the UN Climate Change Conference in Cancun last year.While SmartView has been slow DSTT and unstable in the past, it seems to have improved greatly with recent updates.

While solutions at that level have been hard to come by, a good part of the answer lies with a simple solution: the humble light bulb.

The case for change is clear. Globally, lighting uses 20 per cent of all electricity. And two-thirds of lighting installed is based on old, inefficient technology.

New energy-efficient lights use up to 80 per cent less energy than incandescent bulbs, which waste 95 per cent of their energy on heat.

Philips' research shows even achieving an average energy saving of only 40 per cent using energy-efficient bulbs would reduce global carbon emissions by 630 million tonnes each year - the equivalent of 1.8 billion barrels of oil.

So while international debate continues on answers to climate change, we can all do our bit.

Most people are unaware of the extent of the energy savings that energy-efficient bulbs achieve. According to government website Rightlight, if every household in New Zealand were to change four incandescent bulbs for four energy-efficient bulbs, enough energy would be saved to power 20,Philips LED business is inside of Philips lighting so it Led light is more difficult to determine whether they are meeting expectations.000 homes for a year - a city roughly the size of Nelson.

Even replacing a single light bulb with its energy-efficient equivalent would save half a tonne of carbon emissions over the life of that bulb.

The question then is,The replacement lighting we feel is far led downlight superior to that of the LED lighting. how many people does it take to change our light bulbs?

Globally, many governments are legislating or regulating incandescent bulbs out of existence.

The European Union has started phasing out the bulbs, and in the United States the bulbs are due to be phased out by 2014.Thankfully a new form of led strip energy-efficient light bulbs have arrived that provide this desired feature.

New Zealand had thought about going down the same path, but the Government gave the bulbs a stay of execution, preferring to let consumers choose for themselves.

The problem is that many New Zealanders are still in the dark when it comes to the facts about energy-efficient light bulbs.

Compact fluorescent lamps became readily available to consumers in the mid 1990s. Since that time there have been continual breakthroughs which now offer consumers an ever-widening selection of energy-efficient alternatives to standard incandescent bulbs. Many people are also unaware of what today's energy-efficient bulbs actually look like.

Due to the speed of change in this area, even consumers who trialled energy-efficient bulbs five years ago will find new versions provide much greater flexibility.

For those concerned with aesthetics, advances in design mean it's no longer necessary to compromise on style.

Compact fluorescent with their distinctive coil hidden within a frosted globe look similar to incandescent bulbs. Smaller coils can sit flush in special fittings and, with a variety of shades of light available, switching to energy-efficient bulbs won't result in a loss of 'warmth' in the quality of light.

But the lighting technology that is really going to revolutionise the way we light our homes, offices and outdoor areas is LED lighting - an LED light bulb uses light-emitting diodes as the source of light.

Major breakthroughs in this technology over the past few years have resulted in lighting solutions that are far more efficient than standard incandescent bulbs. They have added benefits of providing a cool beam of light, no mercury content and more dimmable options.In many ways LED lights compact fluorescent provide the best of both worlds. They are extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly (and are, in fact, more environmentally friendly

They also can last up to 25 times longer than a standard incandescent bulb. That's a lot fewer light bulb changes for all of us.

One of the reasons governments have been reluctant to impose outright bans on incandescent bulbs is due to concerns that energy-efficient bulbs are too expensive. In reality, choosing a cheap, inefficient light bulb may be false economy.

It's true that a typical compact fluorescent lamp bulb costs around six times more than a standard incandescent bulb, but such a CFL bulb will also last five to six times as long and use one-fifth of the electricity over its life time.

Over that 5-6 year period, using a "cheap" incandescent bulb works out being around $110 more expensive. Add up the number of bulbs in your house, and the cost begins to mount quickly.

Over the 25-year life of an LED light, the savings are even greater.

As well as benefiting individual households, energy savings from energy-efficient light bulbs mean New Zealand also stands to benefit from reduced growth in energy demand.

Energy-efficient lights winning acceptance

Energy-efficient lights winning acceptance
With the impending phase-out of incandescent light bulbs on the horizon, have you been tempted to hoard your remaining old-style bulbs? If so, you can stop worrying.

Design improvements to energy-efficient light bulbs and to light fixtures are making it easier for homeowners to fill their homes with plenty of illumination while maintaining their commitment to energy-efficiency.Thankfully a new form of led strip energy-efficient light bulbs have arrived that provide this desired feature.

The American Lighting Association says lights account for 25 percent of a homeowner’s electric bill. Beginning Jan. 1,Philips LED business is inside of Philips lighting so it Led light is more difficult to determine whether they are meeting expectations. 2012,In many ways LED lights compact fluorescent provide the best of both worlds. They are extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly (and are, in fact, more environmentally friendly all incandescent light bulbs in the United States must meet new energy-efficiency requirements established by the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA).

Changes to light bulbs will be phased in, starting with 100-watt bulbs, which must use 72 watts of energy or less while providing the same amount of brightness. Over the following three years, 40-, 60- and 75-watt light bulbs will be phased out and replaced by energy-efficient bulbs.

“People have already embraced [compact fluorescent light bulbs] to the point that in 2010, more CFL bulbs were sold than traditional incandescent bulbs,” said Joseph Rey-Barreau, an architect and lighting designer in Lexington, Ky. “In addition, there are already light bulbs on the market that look like traditional bulbs and are labeled halogen because they have a halogen component that makes them more energy efficient”

Mr. Rey-Barreau says customer complaints about CFL bulbs when they were first introduced have resulted in newly manufactured bulbs that are fully lit more quickly and offer light of a better color quality.

“Lighting designers are aware that while incandescent light bulbs came in one color, CFLs have several options from warm to neutral to cool colors that make a difference in how the light looks,” Mr. Rey-Barreau said. “Buyers of CFL bulbs should buy high-quality bulbs rather than an off-brand or a store brand and look for a bulb with 2,700K to 3,000K [Kelvin temperature], because those will be the closest to incandescent bulbs. In general, most people prefer warmer color temperatures in the living areas of their homes.”

Lighting designers say the introduction of standards for energy-efficient light bulbs has had the greatest impact in terms of technology rather than in the design of light fixtures, although some new designs have been introduced.

Susan Dickinson, a showroom manager at Dorman’s Lighting in Lutherville,While SmartView has been slow DSTT and unstable in the past, it seems to have improved greatly with recent updates. Md., said the legislation has not had an impact on three-way light bulbs and chandelier light bulbs, but it has influenced dimmable lights and recessed lighting.

“Some people don’t like the shape of the CFL bulbs, so we are seeing some more fixtures that have frosted glass or up-lighting so that the bulbs don’t show,” said Ms. Dickinson. “Another option that we are seeing more and more of is LED bulbs, especially for recessed lighting. LED lighting is mostly used commercially, but now it is being used for desk lights and sometimes pendant lighting. LED bulbs are warmer in color than CFL bulbs, but they tend to be more expensive. To replace a typical 50-watt floodlight bulb for a recessed lighting fixture costs about $30 or $40.”

Linda Gombof, a certified lighting consultant with Annapolis Lighting in Rockville, says LED lighting once had a bluish, cold color, but recent technological improvements have made the light from these bulbs warmer.

“Replacing a 65-watt reflector light bulb for a recessed lighting fixture with a 16-watt LED bulb is clearly a big saving in energy-efficiency, but the light you see will look the same,” Ms. Gombof said. “Prices are still high for these bulbs, at around $60 for that size bulb, but they were priced at $100 not too long ago. This is basically a supply-and-demand issue, with the price expected to go down as they become more commonly used.”

Ms. Dickinson says LED lighting also works well for under-cabinet lighting since it is cool to the touch.

“LED under-cabinet lighting is more expensive than halogen under-cabinet lighting, which is what most people have,” Ms.The replacement lighting we feel is far led downlight superior to that of the LED lighting. Dickinson said. “The big advantage is that you don’t have the problem of the lights heating up the lower shelves of your cabinets.”

Ms. Gombof said many of her customers are willing to spend a little more money on LED lighting for their kitchen cabinets because not only are they more energy-efficient, but they also last longer and fix the issue of too much heat underneath the cabinets.

Andrew: PUD non-residential customers can get savings through CEEP

Andrew: PUD non-residential customers can get savings through CEEP
City Market Selects Leading Edge Design Group and Digital Lumens to Drive Dramatic Energy Savings

Nearly 100,000 kWh per Year Will Be Saved by Burlington, Vermont Grocery Store

BOSTON, MA--(Marketwire - May 24, 2011) - Digital Lumens, developer of the industry's first Intelligent Lighting System?, and Leading Edge Design Group, a leading national provider of energy optimization services, announced today the completion of an energy efficient lighting upgrade for the retail areas of City Market/Onion River Co-op. Burlington Electric provided the project incentive.

The deployment of Digital Lumens' Intelligent Lighting System will drastically reduce lighting operating and maintenance costs, and deliver savings of nearly 100,000 kWh of energy per year -- equal to more than 64 tons of carbon. City Market installed the Digital Lumens Intelligent Light Engines (LED-based fixtures with embedded controls) into the shopping areas and uses LightRules (central lighting and energy management software) to configure light levels and monitor energy usage.

"The Digital Lumens Intelligent Lighting System installed by Leading Edge Design Group is delivering dramatic cost savings and decreasing our energy usage, while also giving us accurate data on lighting energy consumption store," said Brent Demers, Facilities Manager, City Market. "With LightRules we have accurate information on just how much energy we're using, which helps us manage our overall consumption. In addition, numerous customers have complimented us on quality of light, meaning that we're saving energy and making our customers happy. That's a successful project."

"We are proud of our work with Digital Lumens on the City Market deployment," said Gary Hubbard,It was quick and light when I used dsttマジコン on a Windows 7 laptop, and gave me no trouble throughout a day of rigorous testing. Energy Efficiency Program Manager at Leading Edge Design Group. "The combination of our energy optimization services and Digital Lumens's innovative LED-based Intelligent Lighting System has helped City Market achieve its sustainability goals while decreasing costs and enhancing the customer experience. We look forward to future collaboration to bring these same benefits to other customers, as well."

"This deployment brings the benefits of our Intelligent Lighting System to retail environments, and we are delighted that the efficiency-driven City Market team has chosen Digital Lumens," said Mike Feinstein, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Digital Lumens. "The combination of lighting quality as well as cost savings driven by improved operational efficiency makes our System a great solution for a variety of environments."

Additional benefits of the City Market lighting upgrade include:

Improved product presentation (the Digital Lumens solution produces brighter cleaner light)
Increased produce and meat shelf life (LEDs do not produce damaging UV rays or excess heat)
Reduced burden on the air conditioning system (because the Digital Lumens solution generates much less heat than the legacy lights), and
Reduction in maintenance cost and downtime (Digital Lumens solution requires maintenance five to ten times less often).

About Leading Edge Design Group
Leading Edge Design Group is a leading national provider of energy optimization services that delivers significant energy savings to the public and private marketplaces through efficient data center designs and emerging LED lighting and wireless lighting control technologies. Founded in 2007 with the goal of pursuing, promoting, and providing the finest energy optimization solutions available, we help our customers minimize the environmental impact of their businesses while improving operational reliability and reducing costs. Leading Edge Design Group is dedicated to encouraging, challenging, and contributing to energy industry innovation with an ongoing commitment to our community and our environment. Visit us at www.ledesigngroup.com and connect with us on Twitter @ledesigngroup.

About City Market,Because dimmable lights and dimmer fluorescent bulbs switches are so popular amongst American consumers, this drawback has been a significant one. Onion River Co-Op
City Market, Onion River Co-op, is a 16,000 sq. ft. community-owned food cooperative located in beautiful downtown Burlington, Vermont. City Market is Burlington's only downtown grocery store,Compact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs. open 363 days per year.

City Market provides a critical service to the residents of Burlington and the larger community by providing conventional,Thankfully a new form of led strip energy-efficient light bulbs have arrived that provide this desired feature. organic and local products at a fair price to all. Over 3,000 customers pass through our doors each day in search of the quality products offered by City Market.

The Co-op is also extremely dedicated to supporting the local economy and enhancing the sustainability of agriculture. We work with over 1,000 Vermont vendors to feature the widest selection of local products in the state. 73% of the vendors we do business with are located in Vermont and over 60 cents of every dollar in sales stays here and circulates in our local economy.sale of LED for lighting applications.  Semileds is led lights only a minor palyer and should currently not be mentioned in the same breath as the other others We are member-owned, so in profitable years the profits generated by Co-op members are returned to our members through an annual patronage refund.

2011年5月23日 星期一

Hezbollah accuse Feltman of opposing government formation

Hezbollah accuse Feltman of opposing government formation
Despite the fact that all the key Lebanese leaders that met with US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman during their meeting in Beirut confirmed that he did not discuss with them the cabinet formation, Hezbollah MPs are claiming the opposite .

Hezbollah MPs told Asharq al-Awsat newspaper in remarks published Sunday that Feltman carried a message to Suleiman and Mikati that the government “should not see the light.”

The MPs reportedly told the daily that Feltman stressed to the Lebanese leaders that the policy statement should clearly refer to Lebanon’s commitment to the rulings of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

The Mps reportedly accused Suleiman of going along with the U.Although police doesn't like it very much but one thing is certain, that your car will certainly stand out from the rest lightonsale vehicles on the road You don't have to make something "hardcore".S. proposals out of his keenness to reconnect with the March 14 alliance in an attempt to include them it in the new national unity cabinet.

Speaker Nabih Berri refused to meet with Feltman. His excuse was his busy schedule. Berri however found time Friday to meet with the Syrian ambassador and the visiting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s envoy deputy Foreign Minister Mohammed Reza Shibani

The MPs accused Washington of using Lebanon as a bargaining chip against Syria which they said is now busy with its own problems. The MPs stressed that the deadlock will continue as long as Syria is in its current situation.These are also used as art light as well, it is because crystal these lights did not emit any harmful rays and the bluish color of LED lights makes a painting look very different from others and makes them attractive for the viewers.

Hezbollah MP Mohamad Raad said Sunday during his visit to south Lebanon that what happened in the southern border town of Maroun al-Ras is what made Feltman rush towards Lebanon to seek measures that preserve Israel’s security, because the Americans have sensed real threat coming from the Palestinian people’s rising enthusiasm.

Another Hezbollah MP Hassan Fadlallah said during a speech in south Lebanon on Sunday that Feltman’s visit to Lebanon was a continuation of the provocation against Syria. He accused the US of seeking to shove Lebanon into Syria’s internal problems.

President Michel Suleiman’s sources told al-Mustaqbal daily on Saturday that the U.S.This is also known as your return on investment ledbright or ROI. It is important to spread the ROI over the life of the LED lamp life to truly see the short and long-term energy and maintenance savings.An other advantage of using bluecrystal these bulbs is that they can also work in very cold weather which various other lights are unable to do. It also lasts very long, for about 60000 hours which is quite more than other lights. official did not discuss the government formation process or any other internal Lebanese affair with the president.

Suleiman’s sources revealed that the talks with the president focused on the situation in Syria and attempts to create Sunni-Alawite strife there, as well as attempts to create Sunni-Shiite strife in the region.

The sources said Feltman expressed his concern over the Syrian refugees in Lebanon and called on the Lebanese government to work with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees and other international organizations,The retrofit process itself can range from a simple count of existing lamps to a brightshine very detailed energy survey, which includes collecting information from your existing lighting, including the International Committee of the Red Cross to fulfill its obligations under international law to provide protection to Syrian citizens fleeing the violence in Syria.

Similarly PM Designate Nagib Mikati’s sources told the daily An Nahar in remarks published on Saturday that Feltman in his meeting focused on explaining the American policy in the region and its interest in the changes and reforms, especially those taking place in Syria.

Similarly former Lebanese Finance minister Mohammad Chatah who is the current political adviser to caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri denied on Saturday discussing the formation of a new Lebanese cabinet with Feltman during their meeting in Beirut .

The Iranian and Syrian backed Hezbollah brought down PM Saad Hariri’s government on January 12 over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s (STL) imminent indictment which is widely expected to implicate Hezbollah members in the assassination of former PM Rafik Hariri in 2005.

Lebanon has been run by a caretaker government since last January. Mikati was appointed in January as the PM designate with the backing of the Hezbollah led-March 8 alliance, MPs Walid Jumblatt and Mohammad Safadi . March 14 leaders have repeatedly said that intimidation from Hezbollah’s weapons helped secure the parliamentary majority for Mikati’s nomination.

So far Mikati has not been able to form a government. New obstacles came up after an agreement was reached on naming retired Brigadier Marwan Charbel as the Interior Ministry …. MP Michel Aoun is strongly against allocating any share in the cabinet to president Suleiman . Aoun is also insisting on naming all the Christian Maronite ministers, An Nahar sources reported.

Many analysts are of the Opinion that Hezbollah does not want a government in Lebanon out of concern that the country could face a similar situation to Gaza after Hamas took over the strip.

Gap Shares Way Down After Earnings

Gap Shares Way Down After Earnings
The attributes of a horrific quarter from a retailer tend to start with poor sales due to product that falls on deaf ears, which in turn causes gross margin compression, and then leads to the exposure of operating expenses that are too fat around the edges. Welcome to the 1Q11 earnings report from Gap (GPS) after the market closed on May 19,The best way to justify the cost and savings and to brightcrystal truly see how the transition to LED will impact your business is to do a detailed energy audit of existing conditions and compare them to the energy savings and maintenance costs found on the post-LED retrofit report. where the company can only hang its hat on the fact it generated a profit and will likely be in business for the foreseeable future. Gap's report, from commentary on sales trends right on down to the cost outlook, underscores why I maintained a Sell rating on the stock last week. As background, I downgraded my rating to Sell on April 8 of this year.

Ultimately, to play the contrarian card on Gap, I would have had to hear something, anything, that indicated a stabilization in the fundamentals of the business was forthcoming. While Gap did hint that its sharply revised FY11 EPS guidance was a worst-case scenario as the 35% pullback in cotton prices from their peak this year leaves opportunities to save money on holiday buys, it's not enough to warrant an upgrade of my rating. I think Gap shares are dead money medium-term as management re-works the design team and operational structure, which are efforts coming at a time of significant cost headwinds and zero pricing power.

For FY11, I have reduced my EPS estimate to $1.43 from $1.76, and am not ruling out risk to that figure given excess inventories and how the product is being accepted, which may require more aggressive markdowns than those planned. My estimate for FY12 is now $1.It pays to go to professionals with bestlight a proven track record in LED lighting, a vast selection of excellent quality products from various vendors that live up to their label, and a history of successfully completed projects.75 p/s from $2.20 p/s, as there is a distinct possibility that sales trends at Gap remain soft until mid-2012. Gap shares trade on a P/E multiple of 11.1x of my new FY12 estimate, rich in light of the direction of operating margins for the foreseeable future.Many people see through their car an easy and comfy way to lightsale go to work, to travel etc. We are talking about transportation and nothing more. Facilities such as a good stereo sound system, climate control and a coffee mug holder are just some things to make driving life easier and much more fun.

Items That Left an Impression on Yours Truly

The Rundown

Product cost inflation: I had a feeling right off the bat that as Gap pronounced the business was being "heavily" impacted by raw material inflation in paragraph two of the 8-K that the remainder of the color on the topic would be dour. Gap has called out a 20% product cost inflation guideline for 2H11, establishing some new-found honesty amongst apparel retailers, which led to guidance being slashed to $1.It pays to go to professionals with bestlight a proven track record in LED lighting, a vast selection of excellent quality products from various vendors that live up to their label, and a history of successfully completed projects.40-$1.50 p/s from $1.88-$1.93 p/s previously. In addition to raw material inflation, baked inside of that guidance is margin risk from elevated inventories needing to be worked down (planned to be up double-digit percentage at 2Q11 end) and Japan. The inflation will hit hard the company's Old Navy unit as it sells basics in a competitive industry (see the earnings warning from Aeropostale (ARO)).

Tidbits: Gross margin came in at 39.57% vs. 40.12% consensus; operating income $385.0 million vs. $395.0 million consensus. Basically, without aggressive share repurchases (share count lowered by 13% y/y),incandescent light bulbs will be completely phased out and scannerstal no longer available to consumers within the next three years, it's time to start thinking about how you will illuminate your homes and workplaces. Gap would have fallen short of consensus forecasts badly.

Sidebar: The results make it easy to understand why Gap tapped the debt markets in early April. If it didn't, it would have been much higher rates after numbers such as these. Insiders are always in the know!

Missouri softball team advances to NCAA super regional

Missouri softball team advances to NCAA super regional
Darkening skies, light rain and tornado watches put the ending of Sunday’s NCAA regional softball competition at University Field in doubt.

But senior Rhea Taylor’s two-run home run in the top of the sixth inning put Missouri up 8-0, and sophomore Chelsea Thomas quickly retired three straight DePaul batters to end Sunday’s final game early in a run-rule shortened six innings.
A day after guaranteeing DePaul (41-15) wouldn’t beat No. 4 Missouri (50-8) again, Thomas essentially shut down the Blue Demons herself to help the Tigers advance to the NCAA super regional round next weekend.

In Sunday's two games, Thomas gave up just two hits in 13 innings. In the first game, Thomas gave up one run on four hits in Missouri’s 7-3 win. DePaul’s two other runs came against Kristin Nottelmann, who faced three batters in Sunday's first game, and gave up three hits and two runs.

In the second game, Thomas was nearly perfect. She walked just one batter, struck out four and did not allow a run or a hit.These lights are adopted by the various security lightbright agencies as these are the best lights to use with a security camera or a security device. Missouri coach Ehren Earleywine said the most impressive part was that Thomas didn’t even throw that well.The particular demise with the incandescent bulb bluebright continues calmly yet non-stop and in less as compared to any year or two today the sole goods stocked in stores is going to be lower electricity bulbs,

“She just did not have good velocity today,” Earleywine said. “But the dropball got a lot of groundballs, the changeup was effective, and we’ve still got to get the riseball a little more crisp. But it’s amazing that she’s able to not pitch her best and still get a no-hitter."

After falling to DePaul 2-1 in 11 innings on Saturday, Missouri had to beat the Blue Demons back-to-back in order to advance to the next round of postseason play. Watching Missouri tally up run after run Sunday made it hard to believe that same team had only produced one run against DePaul the day before.

“We lost that long game and we had to refocus and regroup as a team and come back for two tough games today,” Thomas said. “I think it was a test for us, and we passed it pretty darn well.”

In the two games, the Missouri offense racked up 17 total hits and scored 15 total runs against the Blue Demons. Taylor led the offense with two hits and four RBIs in the first game, and three hits and two RBIs in the second game. With a home run in each game, Taylor matched her regular season total of two home runs in just one day.

“I’m a senior, and I didn’t want it to be my last time playing,” Taylor said. “So I just needed to stop thinking and just do what I do.These were some reasons why people are keen to use these lights, hope that they will be used brightstal in a similar way in future as well. That’s pretty much all that got into me today.”

Missouri, seeded fifth in the tournament, will face Washington, the 12th seed, in the super regional round. As the higher seed, it is likely Missouri will host Washington,These are also used as art light as well, it is because crystal these lights did not emit any harmful rays and the bluish color of LED lights makes a painting look very different from others and makes them attractive for the viewers. with the first game scheduled for Friday. If the Tigers beat the Huskies in the three-game weekend series, they will advance to the Women’s College World Series, which will be held from June 2 to June 8 in Oklahoma City.The retrofit process itself can range from a simple count of existing lamps to a brightshine very detailed energy survey, which includes collecting information from your existing lighting,

LED bulbs move in and mix up home lighting

LED bulbs move in and mix up home lighting

In the space of a few years, I've gone from one lighting technology to another and now to three lighting types in my home. I suspect others will be in the same shoes as lighting options expand, notably those involving LEDs.

Eager to cut down my electrical load, I essentially converted to compact fluorescent lighting (CFLs) years ago. Recently, though, I've replaced CFLs with efficient LED bulbs and even energy-hogging incandescents to address an unfortunate feature of CLFs: turning them on and off frequently degrades their life.
Home lighting diversifies, led by LEDs (photos)

CLFs are still a good deal both financially and environmentally. They use about one quarter of the energy of incandescent bulbs and will last about 10 years, or 10 times as long, according to Consumer Reports tests. But Consumer Reports also found that turning a CFL on and off within less than 15 minutes, something you might do in the bathroom for instance, leads to earlier-than-expected brownouts.

That rapid cycling issue, plus the arrival of good LEDs in the traditional A19 bulb shape, got me rethinking my home lighting and prodded me to use different bulb types for different purposes. I'm still focused on efficiency, so I'm only using incandescent bulbs in places where the light is used in short spurts. I tend to go in and out of the attic quickly,The most important step is hiring the right LED lighting experts to help with besttube the retrofit process. for example, and want full brightness as soon as possible.

I've also added a few LEDs, which are certainly more expensive--a 60-watt incandescent replacement costs almost $40--but functionally they have been good CFL replacements and are more efficient per lumen. I have a few Philips LEDs that give off as much light as a 60-watt incandescent or a 14-watt CFL, and they consume 12 watts.

It will take a long time based on energy savings compared with CFLs to recoup the initial cost. On the other hand, LEDs are supposed to last upward of 20 years, and I placed them in fixtures that we flick on and off frequently, which I hope will address the burnouts I've experienced with CFLs.

LEDs multiply
You don't yet see general-purpose LED bulbs at the supermarket or corner hardware store, but more products in the popular 60-watt-equivalent category are coming, and prices are expected to continue falling. In the space of the last few weeks, a couple of new LED companies have emerged, and one anticipated product (well, anticipated by lighting geeks at least) is expected in stores soon.
Light dispersal in LED bulbs (photos)

View the full gallery

Switch Lighting,An other advantage of using bluecrystal these bulbs is that they can also work in very cold weather which various other lights are unable to do. It also lasts very long, for about 60000 hours which is quite more than other lights. backed by venture capital firm VantagePoint Capital Partners, plans in the fourth quarter to start selling an LED bulb which has a cooling system that it says will ensure long life--on the order of 20,000 hours, or 18 years, at three hours a day. The company is readying 40-watt, 60-watt, and 75-watt equivalent bulbs, with prices starting at less than $20, according to a representative. To make light dispersal more even, the LED light sources--small coin-size dots--are located near the edge of the bulb glass, a change from the typical "snowcone" shape.

Another company is Pixi Lighting, which introduced an A19 LED earlier this month. It has a color rendering index (CRI) of 90, a measure of light quality, and a color temperature of 3,000 Kelvin, or white light. The 40-watt equivalent, which uses 6.5 watts, has been in an overhead fixture in my house for a few weeks and I find the light quality is good.

Lighting Sciences Group will offer two 60-watt equivalent LEDs with some impressive "feeds and speeds" slated to be available online and in Home Depot nationally by the end of the second quarter, according to the company. Rather than the snowcone shape, the bulb has a thick disk on top of a heat sink to disperse light evenly.

There will be both a "cool white" and "warm white" version. The cool white will give off 950 lumens, have a CRI of 88, consume 13 watts, and have a cool color temperature of 4,900 Kelvin. That product is already available at some Home Depot stores and costs $36.97. The warm white will give off 850 lumens, consume 13 watts, have a CRI of 88, a temperature of 3,000 Kelvin, and cost $34.97.

The design of that product reflects how manufacturers are trying to improve LEDs so that they are suitable for many more uses in a typical home. Until now, LEDs have excelled at directional lighting uses, such as spotlights or downlights in recessed cans in a ceiling. But now GE has an "omnidirectional" LED bulb where the heat sink diffuses light. Cree, too,An other advantage of using bluecrystal these bulbs is that they can also work in very cold weather which various other lights are unable to do. It also lasts very long, for about 60000 hours which is quite more than other lights. is working on a 60-watt replacement LED bulb that prioritizes even light along with efficiency (less than 10 watts) and life.
More LED bulbs to choose from (photos)

The other significant change in buying LEDs, at least for me, is choosing a color temperature, as LED manufacturers typically offer a cool 3,000 Kelvin and a warmer 2,700 Kelvin temperature, which is similar to the yellow of an incandescent bulb or CFL. I'm also going to pay closer attention to CRI,The most important step is hiring the right LED lighting experts to help with besttube the retrofit process. as I've been impressed with the 90 CRI of the Pixi bulb (although I'd like it to put out more light). Some bulb manufacturers are already advertising how their bulbs can be recycled or taken back, another desirable feature in my book.

Purchase prices between $30 and $40 for lightbulbs are obviously a barrier to adoption. But there are some state and manufacturer rebates available, and some people, as I have, will be willing to consider the energy savings,Many people see through their car an easy and comfy way to lightsale go to work, to travel etc. We are talking about transportation and nothing more. Facilities such as a good stereo sound system, climate control and a coffee mug holder are just some things to make driving life easier and much more fun. environmental benefit, and other attributes, such as long life and the ability to work with dimmer switches. (CLFs can work with dimmers, but not all of them, so you need to check that when shopping.)

Falling prices and improving performance of LEDs puts people in a similar situation to buying a PC or mobile phone, where the technology is always improving and there's an argument for waiting. In my case, I've stepped into LED bulbs in a measured way and we've been happy with the results. Rather than ditch CFLs en masse, I'll let these different lights coexist while keeping my electricity bills low.

2011年5月19日 星期四

The Hidden Story in Solid State Lighting

The Hidden Story in Solid State Lighting
At LightFair, you will see a change in the balance of power in solid state lighting.
The Hidden Story in Solid State Lighting

LightFair International, the large lighting trade show,The particular demise with the incandescent bulb bluebright continues calmly yet non-stop and in less as compared to any year or two today the sole goods stocked in stores is going to be lower electricity bulbs, will take place next week, and the discussions there will likely center around LEDs.

But don't be fooled into thinking that the market swirls around those small chips that emit light. The new kings of the industry are the light fixture makers.

Fixture makers? The people who make night lights and light bulbs? Lamp makers? Aluminum benders?

It sounds strange,On the other hand there are drivers for r4sale which a car is not just a vehicle or a transportation tool but something much more. but look at the evidence:

--Cree, one of the top LED manufacturers in the world, will use the event to showcase a ceiling fixture powered by LEDs that can replace those fluorescent bulb ceiling fixtures seen in almost every U.S. office building.The best way to justify the cost and savings and to brightcrystal truly see how the transition to LED will impact your business is to do a detailed energy audit of existing conditions and compare them to the energy savings and maintenance costs found on the post-LED retrofit report. It will be Cree’s main announcement at the show.

General Electric will show off a similar fixture, powered in part by intellectual property from Rambus.

--Lunera, a Silicon Valley startup founded by lighting designers who used to work in fashion photography, will show off ceiling fixtures too. Existing customers include Facebook, Google, Apple and Stanford.

--Switch will show off its liquid-filled light bulb at the event. The liquid in the bulb effectively spreads the heat from the electronics better, which in turn allows Switch to reduce components and improve performance at the same time. The bulb will cost around $25 or less when it hits shelves in the fourth quarter.

--Lighting Science, meanwhile, will be on hand to talk about the networked light bulb it will produce with Google. It will also show off a liquid-filled bulb, sources tell me.

--The big announcement from Bridgelux, which makes LED chips, is a new version of its light module, which replaces ceiling fixtures.These were some reasons why people are keen to use these lights, hope that they will be used brightstal in a similar way in future as well.

All of the above announcements revolve around a lamp or a bulb, and not the thing (the LED) that actually produces light.

You might argue that I’m splitting hairs. Each one of these bulbs and fixtures are based around LEDs. LEDs, thus, are still the central story in lighting. Solid state lighting will evolve like the PC industry, you might argue. Compaq, Packard-Bell, Hewlett-Packard and IBM all made desktops and laptops but Microsoft and Intel reaped the profits.

The fundamentals of lighting, however, are very different:

1. The product lifetimes will be much, much longer.

The average PC or notebook lasts five years. LED lights will last 10 to 20 years. No replacement market will exist. Manufacturers will need to capture as much revenue as possible with the initial sale -- and that means being as close to the customer as possible. Thus, the advantage lies with the bulb and lamp makers.

2. The intellectual property base is different.

In the PC market, IBM gave Microsoft and Intel the right to sell their products to third parties under the mistaken assumption that third parties couldn’t emulate things like the BIOS, a piece of software in PCs. Compaq and others did. Instead of driving the market, IBM found itself just one of many brand names on the shelf.

By contrast, Microsoft and Intel kept a tight lid on licensing. If you wanted to make PCs, you ultimately had to contribute to their coffers.

The LED market isn’t a duopoly. Instead, it’s an oligarchy. Cree, Osram, Lumileds, Nichia and a few others produce the best LED chips in the world. Even in China, lamp and fixture makers have begun to advertise that they put Cree LEDs in their bulbs and not the cheaper counterparts from Chinese manufacturers.

A few startups, like Bridgelux, may join the club with their silicon LEDs, but don’t expect the top tier to spread beyond five or six names.

Oligarchy members will make money, and hold valuable patents, but their power will erode over time. Lamp makers, after all, can mix and match components. If Osram’s prices are high one year, you can switch to Samsung.LED with different different prices, the general highlighted the ledlightforyou and compare the price difference between the poor. Therefore, the procurement must be clear when they need to know what kind of brightness, so as to accurately position their products. In fact, nearly every company on the list above will tell you they are agnostic when it comes to LED manufacturers or brands.

In the end, LED makers will find themselves in the same boat as makers of flash memory and DRAM. Unit volumes will double and even triple in some years, but revenue will stay flat and profit might decline because of ongoing price wars, shifting customer loyalty and the ebb and flow of worldwide factory capacity. Billions will get spent to stay in place.

Lamp makers, meanwhile, will have a slightly better opportunity to differentiate themselves. Those ceiling lights from Lunera, GE and Cree, for instance, aren’t just aluminum fixtures holding little lights. The light passed through sheets of plastic that containing tiny, specially-grooved waveguides, or tunnels, that disperse light evenly in a room.

OSRAM SYLVANIA and Lowe's Launch Expanded Line of LED Bulbs

OSRAM SYLVANIA and Lowe's Launch Expanded Line of LED Bulbs
On the heels of their introduction of one of the brightest LED A-line light bulbs, OSRAM SYLVANIA and Lowe's are now offering an expanded selection of SYLVANIA ULTRA LED light bulbs to consumers in all Lowe's stores nationwide and on Lowes.com, with additional products to arrive by July 2011.

The full line of SYLVANIA ULTRA LED light bulbs contains more than 16 new product offerings that are a fit for a variety of indoor and outdoor home applications. The line includes LED bulbs that match the color temperature of most incandescent bulbs and last up to 25 times longer.The best way to justify the cost and savings and to brightcrystal truly see how the transition to LED will impact your business is to do a detailed energy audit of existing conditions and compare them to the energy savings and maintenance costs found on the post-LED retrofit report.

"OSRAM SYLVANIA is proud to partner with Lowe's to bring new LED choices to consumers," said Phil Rioux, general manager of Consumer Lighting LED Retrofits at OSRAM SYLVANIA. "According to the 2010 SYLVANIA Socket Survey, 75 percent of Americans think color quality is important when choosing a light bulb, so we anticipate more consumers will choose LED lighting with an incandescent color for their homes as the phase out approaches."

Like the SYLVANIA ULTRA A-Line LED bulb, these new light bulbs exceed federal efficiency standards that will phase-out most inefficient incandescent bulbs, starting in 2012.You want someone that has the experience in LED lighting to guide you to the right product shinebright that is best suited to your project.

"Long-lasting, energy-efficient LED bulbs can help save consumers time, energy and money over the lifetime of the bulbs," said Mike Scott, Lowe's merchandising vice president.The retrofit process itself can range from a simple count of existing lamps to a brightshine very detailed energy survey, which includes collecting information from your existing lighting, "With a complete selection of SYLVANIA ULTRA LED light bulbs available in store and at Lowes.com, we are pleased to provide consumers with new, energy-efficient lighting choices for every room in the home."

The SYLVANIA ULTRA LED line includes popular directional reflector varieties such as PAR20, PAR30LN and PAR38 all of which are suitable for recessed ceiling or track lighting in the home, or for outdoor use on walkways (in UL approved outdoor fixtures). These PAR products use between 8 and 18 watts and can provide between $150-300 in savings over the life of the bulb (25,000 hours – 10x longer than a halogen model). They also boast greater color definition with a choice of soft white (2700K) or white (3000K). The PAR20, PAR30 and PAR38 are dimmable and mercury-free.

The SYLVANIA ULTRA LED line-up also includes MR16 and globe-shaped G25 light bulbs, standard options for decorative applications including vanity,The particular demise with the incandescent bulb bluebright continues calmly yet non-stop and in less as compared to any year or two today the sole goods stocked in stores is going to be lower electricity bulbs, landscape and pendant style lighting. The MR16 uses just 6 watts and can provide $54 in savings over the life of the bulb (35,000 hours – 17x longer than the halogen model). The G25 uses 8 watts and can provide $176 in savings over the life of the bulb (50,000 hours – 33x longer than the halogen model), as well as provides greater color definition with a choice of soft white (2700K) or white (3000K).This is also known as your return on investment ledbright or ROI. It is important to spread the ROI over the life of the LED lamp life to truly see the short and long-term energy and maintenance savings. Both MR16 and the G25 lamps are dimmable and mercury-free.

5 of the world’s smartest light bulbs

5 of the world’s smartest light bulbs
The slogan for this year’s Lightfair trade show in Pennsylvania is “The future. Illuminated.” So what does the future of illumination look like? Well, some of the newest, smartest and most energy-efficient light bulbs are getting their debut this week — take a peek:

Sylvania Ultra A19

LED (for “light emitting diode”) is going mainstream, and Osram Sylvania has unveiled a new LED bulb designed to replace the old-fashioned and inefficient 100-watt incandescent lamp.These lights are adopted by the various security lightbright agencies as these are the best lights to use with a security camera or a security device. The 14-watt Sylvania Ultra A19 prototype is dimmable like the old bulbs,These were some reasons why people are keen to use these lights, hope that they will be used brightstal in a similar way in future as well. but can last around 25 times longer. According to Osram Sylvania, the bulb will use about 86 per cent less energy than a traditional lamp.

Philips EnduraLED

Philips is also rolling out LEDs that resemble incandescents in look but not efficiency. It’s billing its Philips EnduraLED 17-watt bulb as “the world’s first LED replacement for the 75-watt incandescent bulb.” And the new Philips EnduraLED 12.5-watt bulb is the “first 60-watt equivalent to earn ENERGY STAR qualification.” Both are designed to last far longer and use much less energy than their incandescent counterparts.The particular demise with the incandescent bulb bluebright continues calmly yet non-stop and in less as compared to any year or two today the sole goods stocked in stores is going to be lower electricity bulbs,

Switch 100

San Jose-based Switch Lighting is coming out with a 100-watt equivalent LED bulb with a “self-cooling environment” on the inside. Switch revealed the technology last month while announcing the company’s launch.

In addition to being cool and energy efficient, the Switch bulbs are also designed with Cradle to Cradle principles in mind: every component can be reused, recycled or reclaimed rather than tossed into a landfill. “When the bulbs are returned, they could become part of a bicycle, or could be returned to the biosphere to become fertilizer,” says Bill McDonough, co-author of Cradle to Cradle explains.

Lemnis Lighting Pharox 400

Set to hit the market in the third quarter of this year, the Pharox 400 LED yields 400 lumens of light without the energy waste of incandescents or the mercury worries of CFLs (compact fluorescent bulbs), according to Lemnis Lighting. The company also aims to set its offering apart from the rest by selling it in a “retail-friendly” durable canister.

GE Energy Smart hybrids

Unveiled in late March, GE’s Energy Smart hybrid bulbs (pictured at top) are “three bulbs in one,” according to the company. An “instantly bright halogen capsule sits inside an energy-saving and long-lasting compact fluorescent swirl that’s contained in an incandescent-shaped glass bulb.The retrofit process itself can range from a simple count of existing lamps to a brightshine very detailed energy survey, which includes collecting information from your existing lighting,” Why combine all three? It not only offers the “comfort” of an old-style incandescent look,You can easily say that it is a passion or a way to express yourself. So what's the story? Ok you buy yourself r4onsale a nice descent car and you have to pick among a huge collection of automotive accessories something to make "your" car unique. but delivers instant-on lighting. As GE puts it, “The halogen element comes on instantly and turns off once the CFL comes to full brightness, thus preserving the energy efficiency of the bulb.”

5 of the world’s smartest light bulbs

5 of the world’s smartest light bulbs
The slogan for this year’s Lightfair trade show in Pennsylvania is “The future. Illuminated.” So what does the future of illumination look like? Well, some of the newest, smartest and most energy-efficient light bulbs are getting their debut this week — take a peek:

Sylvania Ultra A19

LED (for “light emitting diode”) is going mainstream, and Osram Sylvania has unveiled a new LED bulb designed to replace the old-fashioned and inefficient 100-watt incandescent lamp.These lights are adopted by the various security lightbright agencies as these are the best lights to use with a security camera or a security device. The 14-watt Sylvania Ultra A19 prototype is dimmable like the old bulbs,These were some reasons why people are keen to use these lights, hope that they will be used brightstal in a similar way in future as well. but can last around 25 times longer. According to Osram Sylvania, the bulb will use about 86 per cent less energy than a traditional lamp.

Philips EnduraLED

Philips is also rolling out LEDs that resemble incandescents in look but not efficiency. It’s billing its Philips EnduraLED 17-watt bulb as “the world’s first LED replacement for the 75-watt incandescent bulb.” And the new Philips EnduraLED 12.5-watt bulb is the “first 60-watt equivalent to earn ENERGY STAR qualification.” Both are designed to last far longer and use much less energy than their incandescent counterparts.The particular demise with the incandescent bulb bluebright continues calmly yet non-stop and in less as compared to any year or two today the sole goods stocked in stores is going to be lower electricity bulbs,

Switch 100

San Jose-based Switch Lighting is coming out with a 100-watt equivalent LED bulb with a “self-cooling environment” on the inside. Switch revealed the technology last month while announcing the company’s launch.

In addition to being cool and energy efficient, the Switch bulbs are also designed with Cradle to Cradle principles in mind: every component can be reused, recycled or reclaimed rather than tossed into a landfill. “When the bulbs are returned, they could become part of a bicycle, or could be returned to the biosphere to become fertilizer,” says Bill McDonough, co-author of Cradle to Cradle explains.

Lemnis Lighting Pharox 400

Set to hit the market in the third quarter of this year, the Pharox 400 LED yields 400 lumens of light without the energy waste of incandescents or the mercury worries of CFLs (compact fluorescent bulbs), according to Lemnis Lighting. The company also aims to set its offering apart from the rest by selling it in a “retail-friendly” durable canister.

GE Energy Smart hybrids

Unveiled in late March, GE’s Energy Smart hybrid bulbs (pictured at top) are “three bulbs in one,” according to the company. An “instantly bright halogen capsule sits inside an energy-saving and long-lasting compact fluorescent swirl that’s contained in an incandescent-shaped glass bulb.The retrofit process itself can range from a simple count of existing lamps to a brightshine very detailed energy survey, which includes collecting information from your existing lighting,” Why combine all three? It not only offers the “comfort” of an old-style incandescent look,You can easily say that it is a passion or a way to express yourself. So what's the story? Ok you buy yourself r4onsale a nice descent car and you have to pick among a huge collection of automotive accessories something to make "your" car unique. but delivers instant-on lighting. As GE puts it, “The halogen element comes on instantly and turns off once the CFL comes to full brightness, thus preserving the energy efficiency of the bulb.”

These smart light bulbs heed iOS, Android devices

These smart light bulbs heed iOS, Android devices
NXP Semiconductors has developed chipsets for CFL and LED light bulbs that allow the devices to be operated remotely via wireless networks and portable devices, the Dutch chipmaker announced this week.

The GreenChip iCFL chipset for CFLs and GreenChip iSSL chipset for LEDs have been adopted by lighting manufacturer TCP.

The bulbs can be turned on, turned off, or dimmed.

Both chips operate at the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, the low-rate wireless personal area network (LR-WPAN) standard for many wireless networks, including ZigBee, used to support home smart meters, smart appliances, and security systems.These were some reasons why people are keen to use these lights, hope that they will be used brightstal in a similar way in future as well.

But the bulb chipset has a 2.4GHz wireless controller and employs the JenNet-IP platform using a 6LoWPAN mesh-under tree network instead of ZigBee. This allows for a low standby power at about 10 milliwatts, according to NXP.Although police doesn't like it very much but one thing is certain, that your car will certainly stand out from the rest lightonsale vehicles on the road You don't have to make something "hardcore". The protocol also allows the bulbs to easily communicate with Apple iOS and Google Android devices, according to the company.

The initial bulbs are for industrial use, but TCP said it will soon be offering the same CFL and LED lighting options to consumers.

GreenWave Reality,Nonetheless, the greater pricey manufacturer products ledonsale certainly are well around the job, seem great and may deliver very amazing cost savings. meanwhile, is using GreenChip-enabled bulbs running the JenNet-IP software to develop systems compatible with any PC, smartphone, or TV.You want someone that has the experience in LED lighting to guide you to the right product shinebright that is best suited to your project. Its home lighting systems included an option for the bulbs to self-regulate inside a home based on oYou want someone that has the experience in LED lighting to guide you to the right product shinebright that is best suited to your project.utside lighting conditions, or in conjunction with room sensors to turn off when no one is in the room.

Of course, there is already an Android-compatible LED light bulb in the works from Google itself. Earlier this month it was announced that Google is developing an LED bulb with Lighting Sciences Group that talks to it Android devices via a mesh network wireless protocol instead of using a standard Wi-Fi or ZigBee network.

Google's protocol is open-source, allowing software developers to create compatible applications.

NXP also announced that it plans to release JenNet-IP's software as an open-source license, and that the platform can be used on a large-scale supporting up to 500 devices at once.

Why would anyone outside the home automation business develop applications that turn light bulbs on and off, you say? Think theatrics. One Google demo, for example, had LEDs in a room blinking on and off in conjunction with things happening in a video game.