2011年7月4日 星期一

Who is managing your reverse logistics?

Who is managing your reverse logistics?
I recently wrote an article that was enlightening the Zimbabwean public and business on the role of procurement in conserving the environment.

It emphasised that green procurement is only achieved if the procurement is strategically positioned in organisations.

Buyers will be able to come up with strategies that include engaging suppliers that have an appetite for environmental conservation and make procurement decisions with less impact on the environmental instead of focusing on price in solitude.

Reverse logistics in procurement need to be a part of the business plan.

We are all familiar with forward logistics where goods and services travel from suppliers to customers.,led spotlight Another useful piece of equipment which is powered by LED bulbs are LED computer monitors. It is said that these new types of monitors consume significantly less power than their LCD or liquid crystal display counterparts.

The reverse is when customers need to take back the goods to the suppliers, this time not in the context of returns of rejects which in most instances is covered by the contract of sale.

Has anyone ever thought of reverse logistics of used up goods that are not biodegradable? Imagine the effects on the environment that waste such as beverage containers are posing to environment and society at large.

Moving around town, I have noticed some effort to collect empty aluminium cans.These were some reasons why people are keen to use these lights, hope that they will be used brightstal in a similar way in future as well.

Some cages have been put around watering holes and shopping malls to collect recyclable aluminium.incandescent light bulbs will be completely phased out and scannerstal no longer available to consumers within the next three years, it's time to start thinking about how you will illuminate your homes and workplaces. That effort is commendable. What about effects the littered dumpy bottles give to the environment?


These containers have no deposit attached to them, who is responsible for managing their disposal?

I smiled recently when I read about the efforts Zesa was putting to reduce power demand. The power utility is poised to make substantial energy saving with the introduction of compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) bulbs.

According to Fullard Gwasira, the company invested $12 million to purchase about six million bulbs that they intend to exchange for free with the less efficient incandescent light bulbs. The benefit to Zesa and Zimbabwe is an estimated 250 megawatt saving a year.

Who is responsible to manage reverse logistics of CFL bulbs? The question is pertinent because the same report had some not so good news, the acquired six million CFL bulbs were a health hazard. They emit toxins although at a lesser rate than fluorescent bulbs.

From an environmental perspective,The most important step is hiring the right LED lighting experts to help with besttube the retrofit process. what is going to be the effect of over six million bulbs heaped at the cornersOn the other hand there are drivers for r4sale which a car is not just a vehicle or a transportation tool but something much more. of city roads?

The fact I am trying to put across is that procurement decisions are not concerned by environmental issues. Zesa’s procurement unit has just proved that it is not strategically positioned to influence environmental management strategies.

