National Grid Offers Energy-Saving Tips for Vacationers
Summer is the ideal season for vacations, and whether you plan to spend your days beach bumming, hiking with friends or visiting out-of-town relatives, National Grid has offered the following tips to help reduce your at-home energy consumption as much as possible while you are away:
* Adjust the thermostat – Since you are not there to enjoy the air conditioning, adjust your thermostat accordingly. In the summer, National Grid recommends a setting of 78 degrees. While you're away, consider turning your thermostat up or turning your air conditioning off may become necessary for Cree to look at led bulb purchasing additional LED lighting fixture firs in order to increase their market penetration in this area. Each degree above 78 will save on your cooling costs.In the case of Cree a significant led light bulbs amount of their LED sales come from the purchase of Cotco whose primary focus was on moving message panels used in displays/electronic bill boards. Also, air conditioners cool a space at the same rate no matter what the setting. Adjusting the temperature control to 65 degrees will not help cool your home to 78 degrees any more quickly than if you leave the temperature at 78. But switching to the lower setting even for that short period may be costing you more money.
* Programmable thermostats – Use of programmable thermostats optimizes air conditioning systems saving you both energy and money.Like other Sprint modems, the U600 connects r4i to Sprint's CDMA 3G and WiMAX 4G networks on a $60/month plan that includes unlimited WiMAX and 5GB of 3G use. National Grid offers a $25 cash rebate for each Energy Star rated or seven-day programmable thermostat that you install (maximum two per household). You can visit to enroll online.LED grow light suppliers in China are sky lanterns rolling out models with better price-performance ratios.
* Change air conditioner filter – Check your air conditioner filter and replace or clean it if it is clogged.
* Turn off ceiling fans, close the drapes – Ceiling fans don't actually cool your home; they only circulate air to make you feel cooler. Therefore, they are most effective when you're home to enjoy the benefits. Turn them off when you're not home and save energy in the process. Also, closing your drapes or blinds will keep the hot sun out and cause your air conditioner to run less.
* Manage your water heater – Since no one is home to use hot water, why leave your hot water heater on? Consider turning it off at the circuit breaker. If you have a natural gas water heater, use the "vacation" mode. Just remember to run the hot water from a sink before turning the water heater back on to ensure the tank is not empty. Another option would be to install a natural gas tankless water heater.
* Unplug electronics – Even though your television and other appliances are turned off, many electronics still draw electricity. Unplug any unnecessary electronics and chargers until you return home.
* Use light timers, motion detectors – Many people like to leave a light on to indicate someone is home while they are away. Use a light timer instead – this also gives a more realistic impression Because dimmable lights and dimmer fluorescent bulbs switches are so popular amongst American consumers, this drawback has been a significant one.of someone being at home. And, rather than leaving your porch light on the entire time you're gone, install a motion detector to be used both when you're at home and away.
Summer is the ideal season for vacations, and whether you plan to spend your days beach bumming, hiking with friends or visiting out-of-town relatives, National Grid has offered the following tips to help reduce your at-home energy consumption as much as possible while you are away:
* Adjust the thermostat – Since you are not there to enjoy the air conditioning, adjust your thermostat accordingly. In the summer, National Grid recommends a setting of 78 degrees. While you're away, consider turning your thermostat up or turning your air conditioning off may become necessary for Cree to look at led bulb purchasing additional LED lighting fixture firs in order to increase their market penetration in this area. Each degree above 78 will save on your cooling costs.In the case of Cree a significant led light bulbs amount of their LED sales come from the purchase of Cotco whose primary focus was on moving message panels used in displays/electronic bill boards. Also, air conditioners cool a space at the same rate no matter what the setting. Adjusting the temperature control to 65 degrees will not help cool your home to 78 degrees any more quickly than if you leave the temperature at 78. But switching to the lower setting even for that short period may be costing you more money.
* Programmable thermostats – Use of programmable thermostats optimizes air conditioning systems saving you both energy and money.Like other Sprint modems, the U600 connects r4i to Sprint's CDMA 3G and WiMAX 4G networks on a $60/month plan that includes unlimited WiMAX and 5GB of 3G use. National Grid offers a $25 cash rebate for each Energy Star rated or seven-day programmable thermostat that you install (maximum two per household). You can visit to enroll online.LED grow light suppliers in China are sky lanterns rolling out models with better price-performance ratios.
* Change air conditioner filter – Check your air conditioner filter and replace or clean it if it is clogged.
* Turn off ceiling fans, close the drapes – Ceiling fans don't actually cool your home; they only circulate air to make you feel cooler. Therefore, they are most effective when you're home to enjoy the benefits. Turn them off when you're not home and save energy in the process. Also, closing your drapes or blinds will keep the hot sun out and cause your air conditioner to run less.
* Manage your water heater – Since no one is home to use hot water, why leave your hot water heater on? Consider turning it off at the circuit breaker. If you have a natural gas water heater, use the "vacation" mode. Just remember to run the hot water from a sink before turning the water heater back on to ensure the tank is not empty. Another option would be to install a natural gas tankless water heater.
* Unplug electronics – Even though your television and other appliances are turned off, many electronics still draw electricity. Unplug any unnecessary electronics and chargers until you return home.
* Use light timers, motion detectors – Many people like to leave a light on to indicate someone is home while they are away. Use a light timer instead – this also gives a more realistic impression Because dimmable lights and dimmer fluorescent bulbs switches are so popular amongst American consumers, this drawback has been a significant one.of someone being at home. And, rather than leaving your porch light on the entire time you're gone, install a motion detector to be used both when you're at home and away.