2011年7月7日 星期四

Park vandals causing headaches for county

Park vandals causing headaches for county
Back in October, a vandal went into Linda Pedersen Park near Weeki Wachee and smashed two urinals in the men's bathroom and three benches.

This March, more vandals visited Veterans Park in Spring Hill and pulled all three sinks in the men's bathroom out of the wall and smashed all the sink traps.

In all, there were 15 incidents of vandalism in 10 separate county parks and boat ramps from Oct. 1, 2010 through March 31, 2011, according to the latest statistics. The total damage during that six-month period was close to $2,While using compact fluorescent light bulbs energy saving light helps conserve energy, it is important that the bulbs are collected and recycled properly to protect our environment000.

The damage wasn't confined to men's bathrooms.

At Hernando Park, vandals broke the women's restroom sink and the wall drain pipe. Someone pulled off the restroom tile at Jenkins Creek.Use LED light bulbs in Book scanner utility areas, such as hallways and basements, to reduce power consumption while not sacrificing light quality in the most lived in areas of your house. Public announcement speakers were stolen from a press box at Ridge Manor Park. A pay station was broken into at the Hernando Beach boat ramp.

The worst hit park was Rogers Park, which incurred $660 damage from broken urinals, sink faucets, toilet paper holders, dumped recycled bins, a water fountain pulled away from the wall and graffiti.

Who would do all this damage and for what reason?

Roy Link has asked himself those questions most every time his staff has to go out and repair a bathroom, pavilion or some amenity at the park.

"We have people who go on top of the pavilions and pluck shingles off and use them as Frisbees and we find beer cans and shingles on the ground," said Link, the county's parks and waterways supervisor. "Do they have nothing better to do? I can't comprehend it myself.Compact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs.The FTP and Web tests were r4購入 also close, but the U600 achieved slightly faster FTP download speeds. Most importantly, when I compared head-to-head results in individual test rounds,"

The only reason the costs are not more than $2,000 is because the county's crew of park maintenance workers are able to repair most of the fixtures at cost and not hire an outside firm which would charge extra labor.

Still, taxpayers and parkgoers are paying a cost that adds up more than just the monetary charges. They're having to do without many of the amenities they would like to have to make their park stay enjoyable.

Because of recurrent vandalism, the county has been forced to remove all glass mirrors in park restrooms, soap dispensers (except where there are food concessions), paper towel dispensers and soda machines in some locations.

People may not like the more time-consuming hand driers but it was getting to expensive to clean up after vandals who would stuff the commodes with paper towels causing flooded restrooms.

And there was a danger of someone slipping on the tiles when people would bust open the soap dispensers and squirt the liquid on the floors.

Link said acts of vandalism increases during the summer months when kids are out of school.

And even with park cameras and surveillance, many of the perpetrators don't get caught, he said.

Hernando County Recreation Coordinator Harry Johnson said park vandalism runs in cycles. There can be few incidents one month and then a rash of them the next. Two years ago, for example, there was a group of people or an individual who went around trying to tear open the cages around the soda machines to get at the coin dispenser.

Delta Woods Park, one of the county's more heavily used parks,Compact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs. frequently is a target of vandals.

It was particularly bad two years ago when vandals cracked toilet bowls, yanked out urinals, hand driers and blow dryers and painted graffiti on walls.

During this most recent period, there were four separate vandalism incidents at Delta Woods, ranging from people breaking fluorescent lights and pulling out the toilet paper dispenser.

"We try to deal with what we get as quickly as possible so the general public doesn't see what goes on," Johnson said.

