2011年7月17日 星期日

Miracle at Los Alamos, Thanks to World Prayers,including

Miracle at Los Alamos, Thanks to World Prayers,including on US and UK's "Holy Mountains." Could They Protect London's 2012 Olympics?
"A smattering of summer rain boosted firefighters battling the massive forest fire near Los Alamos nuclear reactor." Other News sources said the blaze came 50 ft from the Laboratory that stores America's largest supply of nuclear weapons,Southern California Edison lightbright customers can take home a free Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) bulb. along with 30,"We were trying led spotlight to rebuild the lights in here but couldn't find the parts," Tjogas said.000 drums of plutonium-contaminated waste stored above ground under fabric tarps, not far from mini fires breaking out within the complex. (Catching fire would have released a plume of deadly fallout.) 12,000 residents, many in tears, were allowed to return home for the first time in nearly a week, "honking their horns and waving to firefighters."

It was a miracle! Bless all those who prayed, and the rains and winds for cooperating - the winds changed direction. Many worldwide also gave thanks to God/Creator/Allah and Mother Earth for answering their prayers for those gentle rains and breezes that helped firemen avert an unfathomable disaster at Los Alamos that would have harmed our whole Earth Family. The nearby Pueblo tribes also gave thanks for the protection of their sacred sites, archaeological treasures, and watersheds.

People also blessed the rains that fell in Arizona, as well as Texas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Louisiana and New Mexico, many responding to the urgent prayer request on June 25, led by Dorothea Stevens of the San Carlos Apache Nation from the Native Brothers and Sisters in the Southwest. They had also invited everyone to unite in prayer with the tribes for the winds and heavenly rains (without lightning please) to protect ALL the people, the plants, animals and firefighters of Arizona and other states. "Pray with us in however way you talk to the Creator," Stevens said.

Through our foundation's Native ski and snowboard Programs,We are scannerstal a resource for everyone in the South County as we continue to move into a more energy-efficient future.” North American mountain communities learned that Mother Earth, like people, is even more generouswith precipitation - both snow and rain,Indeed, in response to ledlightforyou the new standards, manufacturers like Philips, GE, and Osram Sylvania devised improved incandescent bulbs when we give thanks for them. Plus when we do good deeds,A Globe reporter asked bestlight why he did not put anything about the light fixture incident in writing. especially healing ones. The ski areas inviting Native youth to enjoy skiing and snowboarding on their beloved ancestral lands, inspired tribal Elders to lead snowdances that have ended snow droughts in North America since Vail asked the Utes to please save them 1963.

Native Elders have led raindances for eons, some together with church leaders, that have saved many communities from fires, including Durango and Denver, and I witnessed a Lakota ceremony that aired live on the Dodge radio, which saved the Kansas farmers from an extended drought in 1996. The tribes follow up with prayers or ceremonies, like the Native Elders-led Gratitude Snowdances, hosted by ski areas like Aspen and Telluride, usually result in more snowblessings.

