2011年11月30日 星期三

LED drivers represent a critical but confusing market

With all the attention devoted to LEDs and LED lighting, you hear surprisingly little about the rest of the electronics in LED products — what is known as the driver. Yet, the driver design determines such things as whether the product is properly loaded or inefficient, or whether the LEDs have to be tightly selected or can be loosely binned.

And if you think that driver design is well understood and mature,It doubles as a r4onsalele and a 2-piece (AA) battery charger. you are wrong, for reasons that this article will discuss. Driver design is evolving rapidly to keep up with new applications and new requirements, such as improved power factor correction and sophisticated dimming for improved uniformity and reliability.

Let's make one thing clear: the market for LED driver ICs – an important component of most LED drivers – is significant, at $2 billion. Also, it's growing at about the same rate as the LED market, about 13% per year.

Most LED driver ICs are used in backlights for LCD displays, such as in mobile phones and TVs. These are dynamic consumer end products, with short product cycles and tight control on performance, size, and cost. That makes the driver-IC segment dynamic too.

The next big opportunity in LED drivers is in LED lighting. There have been LED lighting products in the market for many years, but in niche categories like architectural lighting, exit signs, and flashlights. Now, LED replacement bulbs are being sold in hardware stores, with the promise of large-volume sales but extreme demands are being made on size, efficiency, and cost.

After that will come growth in general commercial and industrial luminaires, as building owners choose LED lighting for the lower-life-cycle cost compared to legacy lighting. The residential segment will take longer because private homeowners donate their labor for bulb replacement and do not strictly rationalize their life-cycle costs.

The driver is important, but it's under-appreciated by the industry and difficult to forecast. Why is that? The following sections explain.

One reason is that the terminology is absurdly confusing, although it can be mastered with a few pointers. Most important, the driver is the entire circuit, minus the LEDs. A driver IC is one or more ICs dedicated to controlling the current, and sometimes also the voltage, in the driver circuit. The shows an example of each. Nearly every LED-based light has a driver, even a simple one, but not every driver has a driver IC.

The term controller refers to a circuit within the driver that controls the LED current. We use microcontroller to refer to programmable boxes added by the lighting designer or customer to manage the system (for example, a timer or dimmer switch).In which the current controller is a key part of the driver, but the programmable microcontroller is entirely separate.

