2011年10月17日 星期一

Fed audit due but impact likely to be muffled

A congressional audit of the Federal Reserve's 12 regional banks looks set to land this week with a whimper instead of a bang as energies and sympathies on Capitol Hill have shifted since the financial crisis that spawned the inquiry.how the government here brightshineee in the United States can incentivize growth in the energy-saving industry as China is doing.

The study of the central bank's far-flung network was mandated by the Dodd-Frank law that last year rewrote financial rules to try to prevent a repeat of the financial crisis.

Since then, however, Republicans have captured control of the House of Representatives, putting more of a focus on reining in a Fed which some lawmakers see as meddling in fiscal affairs than rooting out perceived cronyism at the regional banks.

In fact, GOP lawmakers are unlikely to want to undermine the regional Fed banks, which they see as heartland bulwarks against "big government" interventionism by the central bank's Washington-based board.

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In contrast, some Democrats have long wanted to clip the wings of regional central bank officials who are seen as less sympathetic to the Fed's congressionally mandated full-employment goal than their Washington peers.

Representative Barney Frank has proposed making regional Fed bank chiefs appointees of the president, subject to Senate confirmation, which the Massachusetts Democrat says would make them more accountable to the public.

While Fed board members are presidential appointees, the presidents of the regional Fed banks are picked by local boards with heavy representation from commercial bankers, another trouble spot for Democrats.

Representative Spencer Bachus, the Alabama Republican who took control of the House Financial Services Committee from Frank in January, made his sympathies clear at a July hearing with the head of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank.

"Your appearance here today will serve as a good rebuttal to the view that the Federal Reserve Bank Board of Governors in Washington,which allows “unlimited” programming flexibility lightbrigh . The LED lights operate as part of an overall system that requires power D.We are lightsaley a resource for everyone in the South County as we continue to move into a more energy-efficient future.”C. needs less input from the regional Feds and the rest of the country. Actually, they need more," he said.

That sentiment has led Capitol Hill staff and Fed insiders to expect the GAO look into the governance of the regional Fed banks, which could some as soon as Tuesday, to make few waves.

