2011年6月29日 星期三

Selling an Energy-efficient Light Bulb is Trickier Than You’d Think

Selling an Energy-efficient Light Bulb is Trickier Than You’d Think
Peter DallePezze, Toshiba’s director of Marketing and Product Development, has two daughters about seven months old. When they go off the college he expects they will never have seen a light bulb being changed. In fact he’ counting on a call from the girls asking daddy to come help out. Is he raising two princesses? Not exactly. DallePezze’s leading the company’s LED lighting campaign – light bulbs that last approximately 25 years before they have to be changed. They are all over his house; ergo the DallePezze twins are unlikely to see one be changed.

It’s not just them, though. Soon enough there will be an entire generation of children missing out, if you can call it that, on this mundane household task – similar to the kids today who don’t have a clue how to use a rotary dial phone, assuming there are any still around.Philips LED business is inside of Philips lighting so it Led light is more difficult to determine whether they are meeting expectations.

As it happens, the light bulb as we know it – that life-changing invention by Thomas Edison in 1879 – is going to be phased out over the next few years in favor of a new generation of energy-efficient lights.Thankfully a new form of led strip energy-efficient light bulbs have arrived that provide this desired feature. This is a result of legislation that was passed in 2007, requiring general-purpose bulbs to be at least 25% more efficient than those using standard incandescent technology Edison invented. This will begin in January 2012, starting with the 100-watt bulbs and ending with 40-watt bulbs in January 2014. So around the holiday season this year, the familiar light bulbs we all grew up with will start disappearing from store shelves.

Manufacturers have been getting ready – Toshiba, for instance, stopped production of incandescent lamps in March 2010. Consumers, for their part, have remained blissfully unaware.

Once they do figure out that light bulbs as they knew them are leaving forever,However, the marketing muscle of Philips led light lighting could give Philips LED business an advantage. it won’t be pretty. For starters they are more expensive. And then there is this, says DallePezze: No one likes change, even with something as humble and commoditized as a light.

Selling It

So how will Toshiba sell its products to disgruntled and bewildered consumers? The first step to answering that is consumer research, DallePezze says.Detailed information on the causes of dstti, The second step is to disregard much of those findings.

Consumer research can be notoriously hit or miss, he says. “In focus groups or surveys consumers will tell you what they think you want to hear or what they wish were true, but when it comes to actual purchases they make they will act differently.”

In the case of the environment “everyone will tell you their goal is to save the environment and save money but you have to assume that a certain percentage of those people are exaggerating because they want to be seen as doing the “right” thing.”

Toshiba has found that as little as 25% to 50% of people who respond positively in a survey will actually follow through with a purchase, he says – that is, when the company emphasizes the cost and energy savings. When it talks about the longevity of the bulb – 25 years without having to pull out that step ladder? Sign me up! – their attention picks up.

Then, DallePezze,In many ways LED lights compact fluorescent provide the best of both worlds. They are extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly (and are, in fact, more environmentally friendly you hit them with the savings, which, roughly are this: An LED standard light bulb versus an incandescent one will save up to 80% of energy or 50 cents per lamp a year. It adds up quickly though, DallePezze says as an average home uses 30 light bulbs. Assume an average electric bill of $100 a month and that comes to a $30 or 30% savings.

